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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $30
  • Topics Started : 10
  • Replies Created : 59

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  • in reply to: Gamstop question.. #84684
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Haz40 wrote:

    Hiya green hope your well mate. I came off gamstop in may and in all honesty it’s not that straight forward. Firstly i had to ring them to take it off which takes 24 hours to disable. Second when i did try to deposit i had to go through vigorous chats in live chat with casumo before they would re open my account. Signing back up was a nightmare. Photo id passport proof of address and all the rest of it. Tbh i nearly gave up signing back up but i did for a year and I’m glad i did.

    I second this completely. I remember making a topic when i signed back up in March warning people who were thinking of coming off just how difficult it is to rejoin afterwards.

    For something that is so easy to join the first time around they make it extremely lengthy to sign back up once you come off. So much so that i even signed up for the full 5 years just to make all the faffing around worthwhile.

    They say its to fully ensure that it is you that is wanting to rejoin and not someone doing it on your behalf. But i guess like in my case for something that has been a complete god send it was always going to be worth the extra requirements.

    When i did come off for my short return i remember all of the sites that i had accounts with wouldnt let me play again right away after the 24 hours passed and every one of them i had to contact live support who then contacted gamstop themselves to ensure i had lifted the ban, some sites although i cant remember exactly who wouldnt even let me re open the account. Fortunately for me sky bet did after they completed their checks and i was able to get my bets on for cheltenham before rejoining again.

    If you are only wanting a temporary play and are serious about rejoining and prepared to go through all of the hassle to get back on afterwards then I’d say fire away, and i hope you get some nice wins over the time of play, thats what i done. But if you feel you may not have all docs theyre going to require and/ or wont be prepared to go through all the steps to sign back up then id seriously consider if the christmas play would be worth potentially jepodising your chances of controlling future gambling. Gamstop is an amazing tool and at the moment you have full use of it, the last thing you want to do is lose that tool by not having sufficient docs to be able to rejoin. 🙂

    in reply to: Dream Vegas #80883
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Although it unfortunately was your fault, I agree there should be some sort of prevention to allow this to happen, before I was on gamstop I never once took a bonus purely because I would be too worried on following the correct rules etc because they will do whatever they can to refuse payout from a sneaky rule in the t+c’s. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy playing as I’d be too worried about receiving any winnings. At least raw cash deposits meant I knew what I won I’d receive

    in reply to: First visit to casino in 2 years #80665
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Im not really a fan of land based casinos in general, unless its a weekend evening where its busy i always feel like you have eyes on you and i dont like the atmosphere, the only reason i went on the slots was because the tables were so quiet that i wanted to blend in a bit more with the old ladies in the corner on the slots hahaha.

    In the end after i won a bit on the slots i did decide to go to the tables and i hit a great roulette streak, then the eyes definitely were on!! Ended up cashing in a profit of £1500 but its definitely not somewhere i will hurry back to again!

    in reply to: First visit to casino in 2 years #80653
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    I didnt mean it literally that bit was a joke, i never went in with the intention of staying until i recoup the money spent on my car. I rejoined gamstop back March and only gambled once in that time, i was on gamstop for a year prior to this too so i had saved a fortune and it was money i could afford to lose and i know when enough is enough.

    This thread was purely for the rant to get my frustration out on how the bonus went


    in reply to: Alright Calm Down. #80320
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Seedy wrote:

    Ok really it just seems to me that whatever I say or do has no sway on here makes me wonder what the point of keeping an eye on this place everyday is! I’ve switched Aps to be banned from the forum. You didn’t even give him chance to apologise, I can’t say that posting a casino like he did was the smartest thing to ever do as it damaged some peoples recovery. But I would have at least expected you to have respected my decision on the matter.

    If it was me my first thread would have been an apology thread, not about winning a few thousand, maybe the fact he came back with no apology was the reason why disgruntled forum members didnt take kindly to the return.

    Thats what i mean about no remorse, no apology just ‘hey look im back look at all this money ive just won’

    in reply to: Alright Calm Down. #80319
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    argyl53 wrote:

    He was subject to some pretty nasty abuse (worse than JB at his peak on a bad day) which at least in the context of his recent thread was entirely unwarranted and undeserved. You don’t have to believe in always giving someone a second chance but Seedy has given him one in this case and unless/until he does something to screw it up I think he deserves to be treated with the minimum level of basic civility we all would give any other member.

    Also, I’m on Gamstop, I found a UK licensed casino a couple of months ago which is not on Gamstop so do you know what I did? I signed up for an account and then immediately self-excluded for a year from it so that I can’t sign up to it and play in future. I did that without ever depositing or placing a single bet. I know very well what it’s like to have issues with gambling but you will never beat your problem if you’re not willing to take personal responsibility for it and instead blame others for making gambling accessible to you. That forum member did not make anyone deposit, gamble and lose money and you can always find a way to gamble if you really want to. I’m not saying it was okay to name any casinos not on Gamstop, of course it wasn’t and it was right he got a lengthy ban for it, but in my view that doesn’t make it his fault other people lost money because of their addiction either.

    I do take responsibility for depositing, i said when i posted the day after it happening i take responsibility, he didnt force me to deposit but i know full well if i didnt see that i wouldnt have lost that large sum of money.

    I do have restraint, before that night i was over 100 days without a bet, and its been 87 days gamble free since. Im just saying without seeing that it would have been 190+.

    I don’t mind him back on the forum if he has positive inputs, but everything before his ban was negative with no remorse for his actions, even since hes had locked threads due to throwing around the c bomb left right and centre, i just dont see the need to have him back where its just running the risk of other people making the mistake i did

    in reply to: Alright Calm Down. #80298
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    He did name a casino in particular though and that resulted in me losing £1200.

    He shouldn’t be allowed back here when he never has had any positive input to the forum in the past, all he’s done is cause trouble for members and cause some to leave.

    He’s done it twice in the past and I for one don’t trust he’s not gonna do it again, and it be visible for hours before someone is around to do something about it

    in reply to: Calling Eegit101 #78781
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Thanks for your reply, I’m back in malta on the 29th docking early morning and flight isn’t until the evening so will have the day to check it out!


    Spent the day in Valletta and found a nice restaurant. I’ll pop in to a casino on the 29th with any euros left over.


    Ive avoided the casino on the cruise as all payments and deposits are made through your cruise card with the bill to be paid at the end of the cruise, no actual money involved is far too risky for me!!

    in reply to: £2,000 Bonus Hunt Giveaway (36 bonuses!) #76783
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    £2811 Macmillan

    in reply to: Forum giveaway open to every member. #75366
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    26th September at 4:20am

    in reply to: So did JB get blocked? #73881
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    I know some were saying ‘he’s an adult he can stop himself coming on here’ but the guy begged for a time out over and over? Why is it hard to grant that?

    He’s spent every hour of every day over the last few days on here and on TGC which already in itself isn’t healthy spending your time on a forum isnt exactly productive. He’s telling you he’s compulsive and won’t be able to keep away without a time-out so why couldn’t you just do it for him?

    maybe worried the forum will go back to being slow like a few weeks away I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure if a less active member asked for it you’d grant it.

    Hes mentioning about his new business venture just beginning but it seems from how passionate he’s getting on these forums and how much time he’s wasting on here, that his priority over the last few days has completely revolved around his threads rather than reality

    its not a dig I’m just curious as to why you couldn’t follow through with his request

    in reply to: DOA2 – guess The win! #72463
    mattywest11 WANTED $30


    in reply to: FOBTs #71719
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Bankieboy87 wrote:

    Probably not the best reply to a topic of somebody stating they struggle with willpower to keep off these toxic things, don’t think it was malicious but just a bit insensitive to the subject matter

    in reply to: Missing the weekend scores. #71717
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Sounds like they must have had some knowledge on that under 21s game, 0-0 result and not a single shot on target from either team, very unusual when you consider how many goals are being scored in that tournament

    in reply to: BIAM Vs TGC #71067
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    I completely agree with haz here. The reason I put myself on gamstop is because I’m completely incapable of not gambling if I have the choice.

    i haven’t made a fuss about it but I seen the name of the casino not on gamstop the other day and lost a massive amount of money by signing up, completely collapsed. I’m not blaming anyone but myself and that’s why I’ve not kicked off a fuss, but if haz had the ability to delete posts, with how active he is on this forum the chances are he would have deleted that before I seen it and saved me from relapsing and putting myself in shit. Especially when I have just spend a considerable amount of money on golf clubs to reward myself for not gambling, it was money I really could have done without leaving.

    Seedy giving them a ‘chance’ is a farce. People like that low life who goes out of his way to only contribute in a negative way on this forum telling names of casinos not on gamstop shouldn’t at all have the option to remain in this forum. It was hours and hours that that post was up before seedy edited it. The implementation of more mods from more active members who constantly add positivity to this place deserve to be rewarded and deserve to get this place running better.

    its not a dig at seedy or the bandit or anyone else, I take full responsibility for what I’ve done. But if there’s a better way to stop that happening, ie more mods and immediate dismissal of those so called members, then it should be happening

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