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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $30
  • Topics Started : 10
  • Replies Created : 59

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  • in reply to: Gamstop expires soon #53096
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Haz40 wrote:

    No not me. Mine expires beginning of may. I’m still debating what I’m going to do and will probably ask for people’s opinion nearer the time.

    I enjoyed not being able to have the temptation and knowing my money was safe. I signed up for 6 months and recently took it off after 11 due to Cheltenham being around the corner.

    i instantly played that night and don’t get me wrong I enjoyed playing again, but only because I was winning! I withdrew that and didn’t feel safe that I would keep it and that I’d give it all back, so I went on a week long time out so I still can’t be tempted but then will be able to do the Cheltenham festival as that was the reason for lifting the ban!

    i know others will have more self restraint than me so can’t speak for everyone, but I’ll be rejoining after the festival concludes as I know the troubles I got into in the past with gambling and have much preferred the 11 months away watching my bank balance build rather than pissing my wages the day they come in!

    good luck whatever you decide to do mate

    in reply to: Back in the game #52826
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Nice 1 Matty…. Enjoy the festive & pick a few winners brother ???

    1800 is a healthy load for Cheltenham ??

    Thanks mate. There’s a lot of unpredictable races this year after the build up some horses have had so think there may be a few upsets. Won’t be going mental on the stakes for that reason but will enjoy it more being able to shout home a runner up that hill

    in reply to: Back in the game #52824
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Mr B wrote:

    How do you get the money into your bank so quickly ? Mine is always the three day wait on the banks side.

    I really have no idea!! After the original email saying my documents were accepted I thought the ‘withdrawal success’ email would be that it wasn’t pending anymore. Checked my online banking though and the money was in there!

    in reply to: Are you up or down this week. #52823
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    After a win last night and landing a football bet on Saturday I’m about £1,400 up. Middlesbrough let me down for another 220 on one bet and Liverpool let me down on a Sunday bet for another 140!

    in reply to: First ever post and YouTube downvote for the Bandit :( #51596
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Dune2000 wrote:

    I’m going to downvote because he said the word SLOTS in his video ?

    You’re on this forum daily yet I’ve never seen a positive post from you. What is the point in going out of your way just to try and ruin everyone’s fun? If you don’t like it as much as you say, don’t waste your time commenting

    in reply to: The perfect round #51546
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Mr B wrote:

    As a kid I hit a hole in one on a pitch and putt course, off the tee, nearly died laughing in shock lol. I tried a few rounds with my bro but he’s mad on it, I haven’t really got it to hit a wood straight or with any control. If I ever pick one up again, I don’t care where in the world you are, look out, it might be heading your way. I’m that shit with a wood. However I do rate people who can viably try and make a wood do what they want it to, give or a take a bit of slice now and then. I also remember at the driving range, my bro-in-law running like a mad man at the tee, swinging and launching that ball skyward until it couldn’t be seen, by anyone. I reckon it landed somewhere in wales.

    I’d still be counting the pitch and putt, anything from a tee down in one counts!!

    Im not a massive fan of woods myself, have a 3 wood in my bag but only ever comes out if the driver is misbehaving. More of a fan of a punch with a low iron down there to keep it in play?

    in reply to: The perfect round #51545
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Haz40 wrote:

    Nice one mate. I’ve only ever had one and that was after nearly 15 years of playing. Hope you don’t get chopped too bad if you were in a comp. I got cut from 10 to 6 with a 74 for 64 many years ago.

    I was cut from 14 all the way down to 9 after shooting a +2 gross (-12 nett?) in a comp, they cut me with ‘external circumstances’ again that was in great playing conditions.

    i don’t play enough to even be able to play off 9 most rounds, I average around +12-15 so another cut would be pretty devastating, it just seemed to be my day yesterday!

    in reply to: The perfect round #51480
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    Nice one mate. Never had one and I’m quite jealous haha

    Was going to play today but a slight accident with a stanley knife put my game on hold lol

    It’s definitely a massive relief when the day comes hopefully yours isn’t too far away!

    unfortunately you can’t see the ball drop from the tee, I knew I struck a nice wedge shot and approaching the green and not being able to see the ball made me confident it had gone in but it’s not the same as being able to watch it disappear and have a celebration from the tee!

    Anyway the pint still tasted that bit sweeter after the round

    in reply to: Excited/Nervous/Worried #47508
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    mattywest11 wrote:

    Would they have given the money back if he lost his deposit though? It seems like they’d be happy to take the money from a loss but then refuse to pay out for wins?

    I guess if it was a ‘cooling off period’ from mr green they could have maybe kept the winnings in the red bet account until the period was up, I take it that can’t happen until the self exclusion is up or could that potentially be an option?

    After the exclusion ends realistically you need to chat to an operator to get the account reinstated. Then you would be able to play again. They basically say that if you self exclude, your technically excluded from all sites under the evoke umbrella until you reinstate the account

    If he had lost the 200, you would be technically able to claim this back as you shouldn’t be on there in the first place. Looks like that’s what they have done as they have refunded the original 200 and confiscated the winnings.

    Got ya. Such a shame, especially after such a massive amount won too!! Hope something can get sorted but doesn’t look good ?

    in reply to: Excited/Nervous/Worried #47505
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Would they have given the money back if he lost his deposit though? It seems like they’d be happy to take the money from a loss but then refuse to pay out for wins?

    I guess if it was a ‘cooling off period’ from mr green they could have maybe kept the winnings in the red bet account until the period was up, I take it that can’t happen until the self exclusion is up or could that potentially be an option?

    in reply to: 888 HAVE BLOCKED MY ACCOUNT HELP ! #46695
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    If 888 weren’t a registered casino working alongside gamstop they wouldn’t have known he was a gamstop user and so wouldn’t have had reason to block his account until they were so it all depends on when they joined.

    i remember signing up to gamstop and all accounts such as betvictor were closed yet for a good month or 2 my skybet account was accessible where they weren’t yet part of gamstop.

    I continued to use the account for my Saturday accas but ensure when winning bets settled they were withdrawn straight away so no money could be left in the account as I knew it was only w matter of time before it was compulsory for all companies to sign up and eventually the account would be blocked.. which happened w good few months back now.

    in reply to: Great results #46505
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    It’s definitely a continuation, the balance is the same to the penny and look at the time of play.. the first 2 screenshots show the winnings from the first 23 spins and the final screenshot is the end result after the massive hit on spin 24

    in reply to: Always found a way… #46197
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    No mate. First post on here with my story.. I’d imagine it’s relatively common though, fobty trouble then turning to online!

    Just glad it’s all in the past and after my silly win in the casino the other day I can feel rather content saying I’m £300 up for the year and keep it that way??

    in reply to: Is there a way up from here? #46033
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    ZoeR91 wrote:

    <p>McSplooger wrote:</p>

    <p>Honestly the best thing you can do is tell your partner, the longer you’re allowed to do this in secret the longer it will continue. If you have big problems with gambling then you’re obviously lying to cover up your tracks. I’ve been there and been in a much worse situation than you to the point where I was contemplating suicide. Dont be like me and dont let gambling consume you. Beyond his initial disappointment I’m sure your partner would want to help and not see you miserable from losing another months pay. You’ve got to break the cycle somewhere. Sign up to gamestop as others have said, it could literally be a life saver.</p>

    <p>Thank you for your advice. My only worry with telling my partner, is that it would be breaking point and she wouldn’t stick around. If I end up alone I’m more worried my gambling will get much worse? I think she would be deeply angry that I’ve lied to her, I just don’t know if she would stick around. But part of me knows I need to take that risk ?</p>

    Hi, I’ve just posted a new topic in the forum called always found a way… In it I state my story and how much my partner really got me through, from my personal experience I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t reach out to my partner and tell her everything, hopefully it will be as beneficial to you

Viewing 14 posts - 46 through 59 (of 59 total)