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  • in reply to: I’ve finally done it #70768
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Well done mate the first month or so will be hard but the reality of how much money you’re saving overpowers that! Youll feel a lot more free living day to day life with a clear head!

    in reply to: My equivalent to a cash out #70676
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Green2711 wrote:

    Thanks for this post mate! I recently signed up to gamstop after doing my bollocks in again and at first I was in a state of depression for a few days even though I couldn’t afford to gamble for the rest of the month it was still eating away at me that I wouldn’t be able to do the thing I love anymore but after a few days and letting it sink it I’m feeling much more positive now my thoughts have changed now to how much I can save each month and I’m going to sit down and work out a budget for the first time in a long time. Not only that as bizarre as it sounds I’m in a much better mood and have a lot more time for people when I look back I still love a gamble but what it did to me as a person – personality wise is turn me into a bit of a cunt, its shocking how much gambling can change you as a person.  It truly feels like the shackles have been lifted although I know its not going to be easy. Hopefully I can post something similar to this a few months down the line.

    Enjoy your new set of clubs mate!

    If anyone else has self excluded and wants to share how it’s improved there lives then I’d love to hear it. Reading stuff like this really does help. ? ?

    Sorry about the loss I remember reading about it on here, always reading just never bother with constantly signing in to have much input!

    its great to see your positive mindset to it, I was the same with my mood swings but at the time I couldn’t see it as my head was stuck in a cloud and everything revolved around gambling, you’re also right in saying the first month or so is always the hardest as you’re always wanting it more when you know you can’t do it.

    i find the forum and the videos are a great distraction as I still read/watch something that used to have a massive influence in my day to day life and that helps me with not missing doing it myself.

    stick with it and you’ll feel a massive sense of pride when you manage to treat yourself with the money you’ve saved and have something to physically show for your hard earned money!

    in reply to: My equivalent to a cash out #70503
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Chdl1990 wrote:

    That’s awesome mate, great to hear. Hopefully the new clubs work out for you. I’m saving for a new driver but the price of them these days is insane. I wouldn’t mind but I can’t even hit the thing straight with a driver most the fucking time ?

    do you have a handicap?

    I normally go second hand with clubs as new they’re just crazy prices but with the irons I wanted to get custom fit to perfect irons for me that will last the next 5-10 years or so which made me bite the bullet and splash out! My out irons were released in 2005 so it was definitely time for an upgrade ?

    I do, I play off 9 and fighting to keep in single figures as long as I can which is hard when golf is only a secondary sport after football for me! Hopefully a change away from blades to some newer technology will help though!

    in reply to: My equivalent to a cash out #70494
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Geezawin wrote:

    Well done bud . I will be a full month away from the slots myself on the 22nd . Lol looks like another few perfect rounds could be the order of the day using they bad boys .?

    Well done mate the first month is the hardest anyway! I’m actually in the dilemma of whether or not to see my old set purely because I don’t want to let go of my PW after the 3 aces. Wouldn’t get much for them anyway due to their age (mizuno mp 32s) or as it’s only the PW with sentimental value I may sell 3-9iron for pennies and keep the wedge, although it would probably only end up rusting away!!

    in reply to: Morning Guys, I need your help / advise please #68294
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Winningbird wrote:

    I don’t think they will pay to be honest. Lottery is gambling, and you should have known that being signed up to gamstop will affect this. Good luck but I don’t think it will happen ?

    I don’t think the national lottery are a part of gamstop, if one as big as the national lottery aren’t, it may be why he would think all lottery based isn’t

    in reply to: At my wits end #66882
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    My best friend got me into gambling by taking me to the casino on my 18th birthday. He gambled regularly but I got a lot worse than he did. He felt guilty about it as he felt it was him who started this, I didn’t blame him at all, I was happy to take responsibility for my own actions but he felt so bad he did anything to try and get me to stop. I tried to stop playing but hearing about his big wins on the horses or in the casino made it virtually impossible. We sat down and spoke about it and decided we would do it together, we both signed up to gamstop over a year ago now, he’s stayed completely off it and I’ve only collapsed for one 5 day period when I removed gamstop for Cheltenham. Other than that I’m 64 days dry.

    we knew that we would try and go to bookies/ bingo halls/ arcades etc so we banned ourselves from them too, all bookies within a 20 mile radius just to remove any temptation that may still be there.

    it may have been a bit excessive but we knew we had to do it as it was the only way that we could both stop. I now get my missus who has no interest in gambling to stick an acca on for me on the football on Saturdays, although with no games this will stop too and feel so much more free.

    i don’t think I’ve beaten it, but I’ve definitely come a long way and I feel so much better for it!

    the point I’m trying to make is the importance of working together. Speak to her about excluding from the bingo hall and arcade, if it’s the only way you can keep your money safe then it’s the only move to make. After all, your health and financial state are what need to be considered here, it’s hard going cold turkey don’t get me wrong, I have the same urges to play at times, but I simply can’t, and when that urge dies down again I’m so grateful the exclusions keeping me away.

    work together, she’s your partner and together you’re a team, be open and honest. I used to have a routine with my friend that we would send each other a screenshot of our online banking to show we hadn’t let the other down.

    Its a sacrifice, but if you’re at your wits end and you don’t know what else you can do, it could be the saviour for you both

    hope it all works out for you mate

    in reply to: The perfect round #63710
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    So it happened again!!


    Same hole, Same club, another hole in one on the 10th at my local. I was going to celebrate when I watched it drop but time was just in a practice round on my own so when I looked around and seen nobody there to see it I just chuckled to myself in disbelief instead.

    i did joke with the golf pro and said how many more do I need to get before I have some sort of placard on the tee box as a hattrick all on the same hole must be some kind of record!

    I have the golf balls in a cabinet at home but as there is now 3 I wanted to present them a bit better, was thinking maybe trying to get some glass cube boxes to put them in with a date of when each was achieved??

    in reply to: Karjala Casino fraud #59802
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    They didn’t lose you that money, you and your own lack of patience did. They aren’t to blame and repeating yourself in a rude tone constantly to a support worker clearly was never going to help

    in reply to: Karjala Casino fraud #59803
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    awesomex wrote:

    mattywest11 wrote:

    We wouldn’t have seen this whole ‘fraud casino’ thread if you had won more with the money they put back into your balance.  You’re just mad that YOU lost that money and are trying to shift blame to the casino

    Yes you would, cus they’re refusing to pay out, you fucking retard. Seriously, this community is going to fucking shreds cus of stupid imbeciles like you. Go fuck yourself

    They didn’t lose you that money, your own lack of patience did?

    and repeating yourself in a rude tone to customer support was clearly not going to change that fact. Take responsibility for your own actions. Most on this forum would have lost money they originally won through reversing or redepositing a few days later me included, doesn’t mean they try and lay blame on others for their actions

    in reply to: Karjala Casino fraud #59791
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    We wouldn’t have seen this whole ‘fraud casino’ thread if you had won more with the money they put back into your balance.  You’re just mad that YOU lost that money and are trying to shift blame to the casino

    in reply to: Had fun but it’s gotta stop #58838
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Eightblack wrote:

    I didn’t do very well with the “it’s gotta stop” but I deposited £10 into betvictor and this happened, now I’ve got £200 pending and screaming reverse at me lol.. I’ve been trying to find the cool off period thing but it seems in bv its a minimum of 6 months

    On bet victor you can remove the reverse withdrawal button if you like, just got to ask live chat and they will do it immediately, I did that the first day I opened the account and worked well knowing I never had the temptation

    in reply to: To call or not to call? #58260
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    Just in case you didn’t know, if you did cancel the ban and then wanted to get back on it again it’s a bit of a nightmare, 2 proofs of address and 2 forms of id, one you have to be seen holding the picture of the id. After this is accepted it will take up to another 7 days before the ban is put back in place. It’s a bit of a strenuous process so you may want to take that into consideration.

    I always had the mindset that I’d go back on gamstop after Cheltenham finished and stuck to my word, even though I did make a decent profit during the time it was off, I just treated myself with the winnings rather than tempt myself to put it back in. My ban now is for 5 years as I feel much more content knowing my money is safe and not having to fight urges to deposit on a boring evening in.

    good luck whatever you decide to do!

    in reply to: Rejoining gamstop #56249
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    McGheese wrote:

    It took me ages to rejoin GAMSTOP, I originally signed up for 6 months and after it expired I started playing straight away, was trying to sign up again and I sent docs twice still I was able to play. It took 78 days to rejoin, it only happened after I withdrew 4k at vera john. Unsure whether that triggered them noticing

    As I still had no confirmation/ rejection of my documents I went onto the live chat this morning, they informed me that my documents were accepted and it would take 7 days to get the ban in place again. I then asked them why documents were needed to rejoin but not to sign up, they told me the reason documentation is needed is to verify that it is in fact you that wants to rejoin, as they already have all details from the original sign up, they require additional info to make sure that it is in fact you wanting to rejoin and not someone on your behalf which I guess makes sense.

    78 days is a crazy period of time, maybe they required extra documentation to process the ban but never informed you? They only confirmed my documents were accepted because I asked them!

    I hope you still got paid the 4K? I’d be worried that Vera John could have seen you reapplied for gamstop and found a way to avoid a payout!

    in reply to: Rejoining gamstop #56158
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    No problem mate I remember a conversation about it last week. My advice would be if you were happy to keep it off then go ahead, but if you were only looking to remove it for a short term frame like a festival such as in my case then I wouldn’t bother as it seems to be a very time consuming and awkward process to get back involved in (proof of address on letters no more than 3 months old for example, as I’ve not had any online accounts I’ve had no valid documents stored on my laptop so had to dig them out)

    the original removal process isn’t too bad at all so If you felt like you wanted to return to online gambling don’t let me put you off, I was just rather shocked when it wasn’t a case of logging in, clicking the time frame and confirming another exclusion!

    in reply to: RIP Bet Bright. #53097
    mattywest11 WANTED $30

    thunderball6 wrote:

    Best get withdrawing my thousands . Ha ha i wish . Never used this casino . Heard a few bad things about it .

    It was awful I used it in the past for a very short period of time. Any singles you could only stake a certain amount that would win you a maximum of £20 profit back. If you wanted to stake more you had to put them in doubles etc. Their football match list also had no structure of leagues or competitions and it was impossible to find teams you wanted!

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