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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $9
  • Topics Started : 10
  • Replies Created : 42

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Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)
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  • in reply to: Ashamed. #24195
    Dion WANTED $9

    I am sure Steve has lost far more than he has won over the years, it should be us making donations to him for his entertainment. Every single video he has uploaded on youtube I thumbed up, always gave a good comment and signed up to casinos using his affiliate links. I spent shed loads on videoslots so I know I have and still make healthy contributions that way 🙂

    On a side note I think it works both ways, Steve makes money from affiliation/signups and maybe from other sources and in return he likes to help out some of his genuine followers or even charities. Besides, what he does with his own money is entirely up to him and does not warrent dictatorship from anyone!

    I think the aim was to encourage more lazy members to make their way here and to become more socialble, some people just don’t get it. Clearly Steve has put a lot of time and money into building this forum/site for us and he would like to see more people using it, the video was intended to encourage more of you to pop over and participate thats all. It is not about the money, it is all about the fun and joining in. Who agrees?

    in reply to: Who can relate?! #23877
    Dion WANTED $9

    I love videoslots too, I have encountered this issue on several sites as well

    in reply to: Bonanza & Extra chilli teases #23699
    Dion WANTED $9

    I did have more pics but I deleted the folder they were in some time back.

    in reply to: Bucket lists #23672
    Dion WANTED $9

    I remember a few years back I went to a bingo hall with my mother to keep her company there and decided to put a few quid into a reelking slot machine, on the very first spin I got a full screen of  wilds and jackpots which paid me £500 on £1 spin, I was estatic. I played a few more spins and a further £125 rolled in so I collected the lot and gave half to my mother.


    in reply to: Unpopular opinion about your latest video #23643
    Dion WANTED $9

    I have read a few posts now all similar to this. to be honest it kind of puts you off wanting to post anything for the fear of being classed as a beggar or something. Not everyone posting about their wins or losses are out with a begging bowl. You can bet your top dollar your post here would not exist if Steve chose ‘you’ as a recipient of a donation! Why can’t you just enjoy the videos and good hunour? by the way, some poeple don’t post often because they have not had any wins worth talking about. I am hoping to be able to upload some big wins myself here when the sun finally shines on me 🙂 until then I have no pics worth sharing. Good luck on all your gambling buys

    in reply to: You all need to stop #23156
    Dion WANTED $9

    I wrote my post explaining my losses when I was only 1 – 2 mins into the last video and had no idea Steve was helping out anyone, I was just sharing my experience that’s all. was not until about 10 – 15 mins into it I see he chose to help a few fellows. I also post stats showing RTP as proof but my post was not meant as a begging bowl. I gambled, I lost and I have to live with it. Not everyone are beggers, most people in this community are good people.

    in reply to: You all need to stop #23140
    Dion WANTED $9

    MichaelLFC96 wrote:

    I wonder why everyone is suddenly staking over 1000 spins and not getting a bonus all of a sudden!


    Better tell the forum about my struggles, oh jeez I wish I could get a gates of hell bonus on £40 stake!!! Over 6000 spins and no bonus!!!!


    Kids are crying as I can’t get them and presents now because I’ve been doing £40 spins on DHV and did I mention I’ve NEVER had a bonus?

    On £40 stake

    over 6000 spins


    Id pick gates too btw

    I find this quite insulting to be fair. If you can afford to stake £40 a spin then you can afford to lose. people like me think £2 stakes are big and are usually grateful for any kind of win. some of us genuinely lose a lot and some lose everything with no hope of getting any of it back!. show some respect

    in reply to: Extra Chilli the pits #23058
    Dion WANTED $9

    I’m about 2 mins into your YouTube video so I’m going to sit back and enjoy. thanks Steve. BTG won’t listen although it is a great idea.

    in reply to: Extra Chilli the pits #23053
    Dion WANTED $9

    yip, its horrible to see it land on the black ‘everytime’ and then you run out of money. you look at your bank and think well, i got enough to depo one more time and then it takes that too without even seeing a win. ive depo’d like 20 times in one day one after the other and still see nothing on that game. It can be soul destroying to lose every game and never ever see a decent win after spending hundreds or thousands on it. It has propper done me up like a kipper lol It has to payout to me at some point surely, can’t rip me off all the time. having said that it is a great game though.

    in reply to: Fake bandit’s channel on youtube? #13023
    Dion WANTED $9

    ok reported, cheers steve

    in reply to: Channel Deleted?? #11242
    Dion WANTED $9

    Steve, start using your twitch account dude.

    in reply to: Latest Free Cash Giveaway! #7863
    Dion WANTED $9


Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)