You all need to stop

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  • #23108
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I wonder why everyone is suddenly staking over 1000 spins and not getting a bonus all of a sudden!


    Better tell the forum about my struggles, oh jeez I wish I could get a gates of hell bonus on £40 stake!!! Over 6000 spins and no bonus!!!!


    Kids are crying as I can’t get them and presents now because I’ve been doing £40 spins on DHV and did I mention I’ve NEVER had a bonus?

    On £40 stake

    over 6000 spins


    Id pick gates too btw

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    And while I’m here thought I’d mention:

    Never topped Reel King gamble ladder on £16 stake

    Never had a bonanza bonus on £2 spins after over 16 million spins

    Never had a wild line on DOA man I wish I could get one


    T0ptaff WANTED $6

    made me laugh anyway !!

    Scatterpain WANTED $8

    I could not imagine wasting more than 1 minute of my life posting something like this. To accuse everyone on here of lying, when you do not know them, people may be experiencing real gambling issues, so, keep your pathetic comments confined to your tiny mind.

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Look at the current trend of threads, do you not see a recurring theme of beggars?

    Dont take offence to it pal, I hope he falls for your fable!

    The bandits done a genuinely nice thing, and the people who received their bonuses genuinely did not expect it.


    Now the forums turned into a give give me money site, pathetic.

    Scatterpain WANTED $8

    There may be people trying to chance it, but I am sure Steve is not an idiot. But to tar everyone with the same brush is sad as fuck, and could be damaging to some people. But, you act like a hard man behind a monitor and keyboard, which you would 100% not do face to face. But as long as it makes you happy eh.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Hang on, mate – the “14 billion spins later” thread I was posting on before I knew there was a video up today. I’m often here talking about slots and bonuses, it’s not something I started doing today and my post history reveals that.

    As for Steve’s unexpected give away, so what if people are posting about the games they don’t do well on? The Bandit will do another surprise giveaway if and when he wants to and to the forum members he chooses. No doubt some people are posting in the hope they’ll be picked; is there something wrong with people wishing for a bit of good luck?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Don’t worry folks, it is pretty easy to spot the ones that pop on just for the one time post etc – I like rewarding people that are loyal followers, i will change the way i do it the next time probably, it will be triggered by some different kind of post i would imagine 😀

    Dion WANTED $9

    MichaelLFC96 wrote:

    I wonder why everyone is suddenly staking over 1000 spins and not getting a bonus all of a sudden!


    Better tell the forum about my struggles, oh jeez I wish I could get a gates of hell bonus on £40 stake!!! Over 6000 spins and no bonus!!!!


    Kids are crying as I can’t get them and presents now because I’ve been doing £40 spins on DHV and did I mention I’ve NEVER had a bonus?

    On £40 stake

    over 6000 spins


    Id pick gates too btw

    I find this quite insulting to be fair. If you can afford to stake £40 a spin then you can afford to lose. people like me think £2 stakes are big and are usually grateful for any kind of win. some of us genuinely lose a lot and some lose everything with no hope of getting any of it back!. show some respect

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I thought it was clearly tongue in cheek but I guess not! ?

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Where on earth have I acted like a hard man hahaha, all I’ve said is after the video has dropped the forum has turned to dropping not so subtle hints hoping Steve buys them a bonus, it’s so obvious lmao


    dont get the hardman comment, I really don’t. It’s such shit patter and smacks of guilt.

    Scatterpain wrote:

    There may be people trying to chance it, but I am sure Steve is not an idiot. But to tar everyone with the same brush is sad as fuck, and could be damaging to some people. But, you act like a hard man behind a monitor and keyboard, which you would 100% not do face to face. But as long as it makes you happy eh.

    Scatterpain WANTED $8

    I know won’t get my point, I was not expecting you to get it. I do agree that some people may do what you have said, but why would you go on and post about it? To assume that everyone is on doing that, is very small minded. Anyway, not wasting any more of my life on this. Conversation is over.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    I think tbh there was a little misunderstanding in this one folks, lets move on and play nice 😀

    Dion WANTED $9

    I wrote my post explaining my losses when I was only 1 – 2 mins into the last video and had no idea Steve was helping out anyone, I was just sharing my experience that’s all. was not until about 10 – 15 mins into it I see he chose to help a few fellows. I also post stats showing RTP as proof but my post was not meant as a begging bowl. I gambled, I lost and I have to live with it. Not everyone are beggers, most people in this community are good people.

    Scatterpain WANTED $8

    The Bandit wrote:

    I think tbh there was a little misunderstanding in this one folks, lets move on and play nice ?

    Could not agree more!

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