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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $2
  • Topics Started : 2
  • Replies Created : 4

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  • in reply to: Avoid the ads #102776
    Bio_Logical WANTED $2

    Is there a 100% trustworthy VPN ?

    I’ll wait.

    in reply to: The Bandit’s Youtube & Development #102727
    Bio_Logical WANTED $2

    Youtube is a nightmare to patrol and if I am honest, there is very little energy patrolling this forum much less anything else.

    And yes, death threats didnt go unnoticed at all.

    in reply to: Honest opinion of the recent return #102724
    Bio_Logical WANTED $2

    Bandit wrote:

    “if the funds are there”

    Bandit has admitted that things will happen if and when the funds are there. SO if you enjoy watching Bandit and I mean truly enjoy watching HIM then you have no issue if the stakes are 20p or £20. Yes, the insane money is more exciting but it isn’t everything and some of you folks should refrain from speaking for EVERYONE because you just can’t and are wrong to do so.

    I remember watching £1,000 bonus buys on vikings and my heart literally telling me to stop watching. Well I mean, I felt every gamble. Sat there literally wishing he would press collect and yes, that is the height of emotion from a viewers point and what’s more, he shows it in himself too. Those who see that, won’t be sitting here wondering if Bandit is using fake funds.

    But we who care to admit it, know there are two sides to Bandits gambling enjoyment. There are £300 wins and £3,000 wins that are, in the right place and time, no joy for him, just a tiny relief. There are other times where a £50 win seems nice to see and of course a £40k top is fucking backflip out the bedroom window into the paddling pool euphoric. But at no point is Bandit truly running with zero interest in wins the average joe finds good.

    100k rollercoasters cannot be maintained and that is standard for 99.9% of the world. It’s not exactly difficult to imagine it’s not something Bandit can keep doing. See the quote above. He really said that. That alludes to the reality.

    Slots are not for profit for the public. They are a guaranteed losing streak over time. So Bandit has to factor in making money and staying afloat. Standard stuff.

    Trying to dictate how everyone feels is nonsense. Some of us see a bigger picture or a different aspect.

    He’s a bit of a twat.. that’s why we love watching him. I’ve been sat here with my wife and said “he’s gonna need a lie down” and then he literally says it and we burst out laughing. Just one example of how we have positively enjoyed his vids. He has given fuck loads to charity. He feels down to earth like Hypa. He doesnt feel fake like others we could mention.

    Take a real risk and open your mind to other peoples aspects and you might realise you can enjoy the idiot.

    Don’t sit there and say EVERYONE, I am part of everyone and I am nothing to do with Bandit other than enjoying his vids. Therefore you are wrong.

    in reply to: Is it illegal to bonus Megaways in less than 500 spins #102298
    Bio_Logical WANTED $2

    Bio Hazard, why are you lying to people ?

    “The RNG handles the margin. Your spins had absolutely no impact on any future outcome for anyone.”

    This concept that the players spins are detached from the RTP and RNG is basic and nonsense. Please STOP perpetuating this lie, on this forum. Had the player not played the spins, the player would have contributed nothing toward the RTP via the RNG affecting nothing for other players.

    Just stop.

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