Avoid the ads

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  • #102769
    JamVanDerHam WANTED $5

    Apologies if this may have been mentioned by anyone before but af<span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>ter watching the latest video and hearing that people are moaning about the ads in The Bandit’s videos I thought I’d just pop a quick post in to say that if you get YouTube Premium you can bypass the ads.</span>

    I appreciate it costs but if you’ve got a VPN you can get it for a stonking £2.00 (approx) a month by using an Indian server.

    It’s best if you can use a fee free card like Monzo but even if your bank charges it’ll be a few pence.


    Been doing mine for the last few years and haven’t been subjected to any of YouTube’s bollocks ads since. Well worth it if you use YouTube a lot.


    Hopefully this helps.



    Bio_Logical WANTED $2

    Is there a 100% trustworthy VPN ?

    I’ll wait.

    dudese WANTED $4

    Theres also a very good android app that is basically a clone of youtube premium (but for free obviously). Probably shouldnt be posting the link here, so google is your friend.

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    Bio_Logical wrote:

    Is there a 100% trustworthy VPN ?

    I’ll wait.

    protonVPN is free

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    JamVanDerHam wrote:

    Apologies if this may have been mentioned by anyone before but af<span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>ter watching the latest video and hearing that people are moaning about the ads in The Bandit’s videos I thought I’d just pop a quick post in to say that if you get YouTube Premium you can bypass the ads.</span>

    I appreciate it costs but if you’ve got a VPN you can get it for a stonking £2.00 (approx) a month by using an Indian server.

    It’s best if you can use a fee free card like Monzo but even if your bank charges it’ll be a few pence.


    Been doing mine for the last few years and haven’t been subjected to any of YouTube’s bollocks ads since. Well worth it if you use YouTube a lot.


    Hopefully this helps.



    dont need vpn just adblock it block all add youtube facebook

    Anonymous WANTED $110
    flamingchipmunk WANTED $1

    You can also skip to the end of the video and either press replay or skip backwards along the video.


    takes a couple of seconds but you saves you money

    Jimmy1pound WANTED $1

    I watch on normal YouTube and I never get any ads. I’m in the UK, don’t know if that makes a difference.

    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    I just pay for premium because I’m daft ??

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I just pay for premium because I’m daft ??

    Getting to that stage that if a see another nicorette advert or a plus 500 share advert ……. well …..I’m just going to murder people ….. bit  dark

    BSK1 WANTED $48

    Oh be careful on here talking about VPN’s people start crying and saying it’s dangerous ….. if you use a VPN on a casino it’s life threatening ??

    bubbagump1983 WANTED $1

    Firefox too can make the ads disappear forever using Adblock Plus, all free to download and use.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    BSK1 wrote:

    Oh be careful on here talking about VPN’s people start crying and saying it’s dangerous ….. if you use a VPN on a casino it’s life threatening ??

    Bit disingenuous that, what actually happened was  somebody ( not naming names ) suggested using vpn because “ it totes work and I’ve never been fucked over by it” the community only highlighted that the casinos could take any wins off you if they caught you using VPN, so why take the risk just to bonus buy chilli or any other game……casino always win so why give them an extra hand helping them take your money using vpn….

    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    The people caught using VPN to access casino would be the ones crying on the forum. It’s against the terms.

    This isn’t about casino, if someone wants to buy YouTube premium out of location using a VPN then go for it, the worst they can do is close your account, not steal winnings.

    BSK1 WANTED $48

    What a shock Dumb and Dumber teaming up ??? ? ? ?  so predictable!!!

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