Channel Deleted??

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  • #11272
    Chris210 WANTED $6

    What a shame enjoy watching your vids chilling for an hour or so having a laugh. Hope you get things sorted ??

    Peterj12 WANTED $0

    Can’t believe they’ve deleted your vids I was going to get my Sunday fix 🙁

    Mrshaggy 1981 WANTED $6

    I watched the Sunday slots vid bad lose tho m8 3k hope u get channel back but I think they are trying to stop gambling on you tube ??

    SlotJockey WANTED $2

    Good luck man 🙂  Get the wife to start a channel….  and have her (not you) show highlights of your big wins etc, real brief and have pointers to your new content forum when ya figure that out.  All’s not lost 🙂   I followed that Big Jackpot prick there recently, his channel was up and down like whores nickers; he seems to know someone in you tube that can get it back up pretty quick, but he has no idea why it keeps getting the chop.  Dont give up on appeals process; perhaps review his recent vids to see the types of emails he was getting from you tube.  (hes hard to listen tho! lol)

    He has two channels as Im sure ya know

    Might be some help to ya… well lets face it ya haven’t much on in the foreseeable future like ;p


    osulle WANTED $8

    Been watching the vids for over a year now and it’s by far my favorite gambling channel out there.  No shilling, no B.S. just good slotting fun.  I am shocked out of all the gambling channels out there this one would be targeted.  Hopefully it will get all sorted. We demand the bandit’s content back on you tube!

    Rhino74 WANTED $12

    Good luck bandit. There’s thousands of gambling shite on YouTube. I don’t think it’s automated because all YouTube would have to do is put in the words bonus win or fobts. And it would all be deleted. Well they have a lot of fifa content to were tokens are advertised so I hope they go to. I hope you can sort it as I don’t do twitch. If you can’t thanks for being the most honest youtuber brilliant vids.

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    Not much you can do when the captain of Youtube want’s to sink his own. That’s what it feels like they are doing at least, no gambling, no gun related videos, no science/chemistry videos that may teach you a thing or two, soon it will be Reacttube or Pranktube.

    I really hope you get it back. I usually watch your videos on my tv using the youtube app, but there is no twitch or similar apps, so that makes it a whole lot more annoying to watch if youtube is going to remove all the good channels.

    Jaiime261217 WANTED $1

    oh no bandit I do hope you start a new channel loved every video you made !! x

    Teh_Gooner WANTED $2

    It has happened to plenty similar channels. Hopefully it wont be long till it’s back and running again.

    once-upon-a-time WANTED $5

    Well I hope everyone complained to youtube like I have????

    Tav1986 WANTED $0

    I was excited because I had a video and a half to watch haha

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Luckily I managed to watch the latest video. Danger not playing well for you mate. Hopefully the cockwombles at YouTube will allow you to get up and running soon.

    JRushPixel WANTED $14

    I was telling people and the bandit that this is all over..  All channels will eventually go as well all slots soon in the future except for real xasinos in the UK.

    The torys want them gone big time and gambling. they will erode the slots via imposing new regulations slowly. fobts are now basically dead and all these betting shops will close. new laws on online bonus and autoplay and fast spinning are coming next then they will make it so its not worth having an online casino like in USA.  And expect more channel bans….

    JRushPixel WANTED $14

    nickslots the cheating fucker has been banned as well at least. i do like the bandit but unfotunately pressure from uk gov will see them all fall off yt and twitch soon.

    Mr-G WANTED $1

    Absolutely gutted ma8 hope you get bk up soon pal long live the bandit

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