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  • Shak2430 WANTED $5

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    I knew when posting that the arse lickers and ball lickers of bandit would come on here against me.. they are the people who are thinking yes let me defend everything he does maybe he will have a bonus and give me the winnings. Pathetic tbh. I think from the videos the bandit made where he is so wrong with the information he provided goes to show how right I was. I find it very hard to believe he didnt know. He was giving out his factual statements blocking me left right centre.. and I was getting dogs abuse. Was I wrong in what I was sharing ???? NO I was not.

    This has nothing to do with the roulette provider it is a videoslots issues. But when you endorse a company you are quick to reep the rewards and financial incentive and the clients that join through you you have to have a certain level of respect and obligation towards them.


    I had people commenting “bandit has explained on every video how it works bla bla bla” clearly not and they were talking shit.


    The matter is ended I took the hit and i wont use them again. But test assured I’m not the only one thats been trapped through this and the fact he tried blocking and changing titles and making false claims on videos questions his integrity and why shouldn’t it. He is old and mature enough to understand that…


    The ones that sit on forums doing 10p spins all day and think the sun shines out of bandits arse and if I back his case no matter what he may give me some money, thsts all you doing scrounging around looking for crumbs.

    And the guy commented above happy my bet didnt get on I have no comment to that. I never wish anyone to lose a single penny to a casino but each to there own

    I suppose you betting your last pennies and are losing regularly to make yourself feel better you make such statements

    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Its nothing to do with the roulette provider my balance was accurate it adds up correctly to have 470 remaining.

    But that £1.50 or whatever from my balance (even though it shows it cannot be bet as its reserved for the vault)

    The bandit said in his second video that videoslots dont hold no money back from balances which clearly states here they do.

    What kind of system is that I should have my full balance available to me. Not partly frozen for some promo which is pointless

    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>


    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Can someone please advice me how I attach a photo on this to show an email

    in reply to: I did not read the T&C’s but that’s not my fault! #100729
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    I have made a updated new post in regards to this of anyone wants to read or see.

    in reply to: I did not read the T&C’s but that’s not my fault! #99657
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Weekend booster is not bonus cash as the way bandit makes it out in his videos “oh I have been rewarded £200 for my play last week etc” clear bullshit to hide this scandal himself..

    Right it’s not just about the terms they pick and choose when they put funds in this so called valt bullshit.

    Many times I have bet all my balance. This bet had plenty spare yet some part of my balance cant be accepted as it has been pre approved to go into this vault. It’s a scandal why is it even in the balance in first place ? Why was my bet rejected once the number come out ??


    It’s all noncence

    in reply to: I did not read the T&C’s but that’s not my fault! #99652
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Ok I will try explaining it again as it’s quite frustrating before. Never bothered with video slots etc joined through here.

    Now I have done numerous bets where I have betted all my balance I.e my last £50 on blackjack boom it loses balance 0 no problem at all. I only ever deposit what I can afford to lose.

    Now playing roullete few spins in I hit number 1 which returned just over £220. My balance remaining is £470 or on those lines from the top of my head. My original bet was £250. So I have £20 left in my balance. I add another £12 or so on the bet. It spins lands in 8 (return is £1.4k) rejects bet as insufficient funds. Clearly there was enough funds. Contact support apparently a percentage of my winnings when they decide goes into some vault if I read terms when signing up section 7 or some crap no lbody is going to read that. Some bets rejected and some ain’t. The Money is not the issue here or in question. I gamble for fun and spare change only. Infact for what I do as a career and business I personally give 50% of what I cash out to homeless causes and people which is irrelevant but for anyone thinking it’s about the money not completely. We are not streamers were we can record each session and have a following where they have to listen and deal with errors like this. Bandit clearly promotes this site and I know first hand numerous people have had similar issues. Quick to blast how amazing they are and in Vegas they gave you this bonus and that bonus when a staff member was there and quick to endorse them… probably funded by the fact customers he has brought in have been ripped off in positions like this. This is nothing to do with immersive roulette this is a video slots issue. I dont care if the bandit arse lickers want to come on here and abuse me… I do alot of good and will continue to do so, but I will never endorse anything that rips off punters I bring in to enhance his bonuses and referral rakeback. I would love to hear from him using the term disgrace is wrong for which I apologies profoundly was more in anger said. But regardless he has built this platform and we all play on there through him is he in the know and involved who knows. I would want to hear a response if he is even bothered about it

    in reply to: best casinos #98058
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:


    no not excluded myself some weird reason when i made first deposit i had a loss limit of 200 now cant play for another week or so lol.

    in reply to: PAYDAY LOANS #74524
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Loan companies have the power to do extensive credit checks which can reveal if there is any other payday loans in your name active or recently taken. Majority dont do this because let’s be honest if they did they wouldn’t get a single customer. Similiar to banks if you have a certain account Such as a student account with a bank you are unable to open another one wirh a different back because of the checks they do

    in reply to: PAYDAY LOANS #74427
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Yeah wanted to see if anyone done it themselves on here without having to pay the fees and what the process was

    in reply to: PAYDAY LOANS #74417
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Guys thanks for the response.

    The loans I had are with

    Sunny, quickquid, myjar, 24.7 moneybox, peachy and unclebuck. I am still paying monthly for them eben though out of work. I continuesly was lending off them each month immediately after paying them back which simple wasnt affordable. Best bet to email each one of them and advice this ? Thank you

    in reply to: Every now and then, Venture comes up trumps… #74405
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Hi can someone please advice me how I can start a discussion on a forum. I needed some important advice I feel the community can help with

    in reply to: Merry Xmas from bet victor #31612
    Shak2430 WANTED $5

    Hi does anyone know how long your withdrawal stays pending for on bet Victor which allows you to reverse. And also how long does a withdrawal take to reach your bank account?? Thanks

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