Casumo Andy

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  • #81598
    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    I want to know how this went. Probably not well, as it seems like you’ve used weird details.

    Spekz2018 WANTED $16

    Seems to me as he went mad and fucked up registration with false details and now has won is trying his luck I hope rally that casino Andy doesn’t help him out as I think he knew what he was doing and any genuine ppl will lose out because of that lol . Sorry not sorry lol

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Will we ever find out what happened ?

    Casumo Andy WANTED $49
    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Was it fake? Someone accused him of making the chat log up. It seemed weird how the cat reps were talking to him but it was waaaaaaay too detailed and long to be fake right?


    Casumo Andy wrote:

    there ducks and there fucked does that mean what i think it does lol


    Dynamik23 wrote:

    Was it fake? Someone accused him of making the chat log up. It seemed weird how the cat reps were talking to him but it was waaaaaaay too detailed and long to be fake right?

    well hes not been back on here think if it was sorted he would of said and andy posted this weird pic i take that hes fucked and not getting anything thats something you make sure ya get right really fair anouth if it was just a address mistake but it was is date birth and other things i believe be interesting to no though

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    If anything, especially with a false dob and address, he will have set it up with someone else details, but used their own paypal/payment options. Now theyve won, the want paying out but cant get the proof. Either this, or they were underage when they joined, hence the wrong dob.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    I think a few of us questioned the story but gave him the benefit of the doubt. I know i did.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    As for my other halfs, he has 0 funds, it just says level 60 bonus mode. I have a screen shot but imgur is being a bitch and not letting me upload.

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)