You ok Mr Bandit ?

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  • #109653
    igc-rm WANTED $21

    Get ya backside off twitter an let us know how you feelin. Definitely a certain MEH about you this week even with a truly overwhelming pile of aces for 20 odd k. Your enthusiasm seemed down and I am partly wondering if it’s because you don’t want to go to the 40 lb steaks and such.

    FYI, while those huge stakes are heart stopping for most of us, the only people who want you to do them, are the ones who couldn’t care less about your own state of affairs which is none of anyones business. I am terribly happy watching £1-£2 even a little higher and I know most of us are. But I know your mojo is in need of a happy place in all of that for you to do a normal enjoyable video which everyone who cares, normally enjoys too.

    I hope your mojo isn’t wanting 50k balances and anything less isn’t somehow yearned for by your inner self. Another FYI you are one of very few people I believe actually played your own money at that level so I also know I can’t afford anything close, so there’s no shame in not being able to sustain those types of losses.

    Anyhow, just some thoughts, ya knobhead, any slotting video you put out, is looked forward to here. And when my other half reads this, she will deadleg me for calling you a knobhead.

    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    igc-rm wrote:

    FYI, while those huge stakes are heart stopping for most of us, the only people who want you to do them, are the ones who couldn’t care less about your own state of affairs which is none of anyones business. I am terribly happy watching £1-£2 even a little higher and I know most of us are. But I know your mojo is in need of a happy place in all of that for you to do a normal enjoyable video which everyone who cares, normally enjoys too.


    It’s a bit like when someone goes on Rolla’s live stream and starts tempting him with roulette, some people take great delight in watching someone do their balls in. Kinda sad really isn’t it?


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Xbobmad wrote:

    igc-rm wrote:

    FYI, while those huge stakes are heart stopping for most of us, the only people who want you to do them, are the ones who couldn’t care less about your own state of affairs which is none of anyones business. I am terribly happy watching £1-£2 even a little higher and I know most of us are. But I know your mojo is in need of a happy place in all of that for you to do a normal enjoyable video which everyone who cares, normally enjoys too.


    It’s a bit like when someone goes on Rolla’s live stream and starts tempting him with roulette, some people take great delight in watching someone do their balls in. Kinda sad really isn’t it?


    Professor hat on.

    you know there was a study about a person / audience view on things like winning and losing

    and they hypothesised that watching a loss ( that wasn’t based on you playing personally  ) gives a greater emotional range of enjoyment than a win, since its hard to fake a losing emotion compared to a winning one we are able to subconsciously know if the emotion we are witnessing is “ more “ real ….and also losses last longer in the memory….basically watching people lose is more fun……not because you’re  a cunt ( well maybe a little ) but  because it tickles more Brain cells……humans are weird ….

    tho saying that their are defiantly cunts out there who just want to see somebody bottom out ….

    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    humans are weird



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