The Start To A Brighter Future

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  • #58053
    lisalighten WANTED $10

    Im on gamban and gamestop but my main weakness are the fobts and as a delivery driver they are EVERYWHERE and today being payday my god is it tempting but im using all my will power to not go in there

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Well done mate.??

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Really well done! What’s that app called it looks ideal? Ive relapsed really badly over the last couple of weeks and I can imagine having a visual timeline like that really helps.


    Stay strong and admire your full bank account whenever you feel the urge, it looks so much better when it doesn’t start with a 0 ?

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Good on ya pal. Keep it up. You’re doing great! ?? fuck the FOBT’s

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    This app looks really nice, and has the potential to be really powerful!

    Stay strong bud, you’ll thank yourself in the future.

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Hi well done

    that app looks really good, something to focus on.

    i used to be a fobt degen also and know how hard the urge is to stay off them but only you can do it.

    stay strong good luck

    benq99 WANTED $229

    Well done mate

    lisalighten WANTED $10

    its called ‘i am sober’ can do any addiction on there and yer i will just so hard lol

    lisalighten WANTED $10

    ive got to beat them for my 6 month old little girl, and yer the apps great gives me a little motavational quote every morning. i was just getting my hair cut and there was a bookies across the road and i was sweating to go in, then i looked at your replys and it gave me a kick to walk past

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    lisalighten wrote:

    ive got to beat them for my 6 month old little girl, and yer the apps great gives me a little motavational quote every morning. i was just getting my hair cut and there was a bookies across the road and i was sweating to go in, then i looked at your replys and it gave me a kick to walk past

    Well done mate. Small steps to begin with can make a big difference in the long run. And believe me, it will be a marathon but will be well worth it. Just keep looking at your 6 month old and that will give you all the inspiration you need to keep it up. Stay strong buddy.

    lisalighten WANTED $10

    thanks for all the support, i knew i could rely on the banditos squad

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    lisalighten wrote:

    ive got to beat them for my 6 month old little girl, and yer the apps great gives me a little motavational quote every morning. i was just getting my hair cut and there was a bookies across the road and i was sweating to go in, then i looked at your replys and it gave me a kick to walk past

    This is awesome to hear!

    She’ll be proud of you 😀

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    Hang in there, you’re doing well. It gets easier. I joined gamstop on 21st November. At the start I really missed it, especially not having a football bet on Saturday. It doesn’t interest me now.

    It’s not advised because at the start it messed my head up for a few weeks, I worked out how much I lost in 2018, but knowing this has helped me. I don’t want to bet ever again.

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    We’re all here for you as a form of deterrence mate just come here whenever you get the urge and it’ll soon pass ??

    Well done so far mate here’s to a healthier happier future ??

    Malkychamp WANTED $485

    Amazing well done. First week must be tough, keep it up ?

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