The Leftists Are Mad

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  • #68625
    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    I’m left handed does that me mad ??

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Still no proof of this claim…

    awesomex WANTED $136

    eejit101 wrote:

    I know my own IQ, but I disagree that it makes me clever, or more clever. I can do fast maths mentally and see spatial awareness and patterns, that gives me over 90 points just for that on the normal testing methods. Its a flawed system to base brain speed on IMO and aptitude, not total intelligence. I went on Fifteen to one a couple of years ago in the UK, and came 4th. Oddly I was nominated by someone who was 67 and was hitting on a 16 year old girl int he hotel, so I called him a paedophile.  True story. He was also a mastermind champion… but still…

    Which bring this topic right around, as this thread is insane. I also know people in California, both through friends and my NFL work. And this is simply not true. Teachers have fixed requirements to teach, and this isnt in the curriculum.

    I am not a political person, im not left or right, i dont vote. As far as i can see everything that affects me remains the same no matter who is in charge. Roads work, hospitals are open, my tax is the same, and the shops sell food.

    That being said, followers of Trump / Right-wing people seem to rely on fear, scapegoating, deceit and confusion, conspiracy theories and whatever else. This story for example isnt true. Look at the level of Trump lies since he took over, by actual impartial checkers. Its also happening on the other left side, but they tend to stick to facts, and manipulate facts to cover their own side at times.

    That being said, the left is using identity politics for everything. They’re comparing Trump to Hitler, when Hitler was a communist, which is what the far leftists are. The leftists are saying transgender males should be allowed to compete in womens sports, which results in women getting their faces smashed in and they get crushed at everything. The 390th ranked male sprinter in the US (on some level) transitioned to female, and is now the champion female sprinter, cus he doesn’t have any advantages from a life of testosterone while building muscles, according to them.
    It’s happening everywhere.
    There have been several documentaries released by people with a far left view, where they tried to put the pedos in a victim role, despite the fact they’re convicted of abusing small children. Then this lecturer speaks about how pedophilia isn’t a mental illness, but a sexual preference, and people jump aboard to defend the claim across leftist college campuses in California.

    All schools have a curriculum to follow, eejit, but there are open spaces for unplanned events, unplanned speeches and things that suddenly come of interest. This is how it works in every single school in the entire world, and I guarantee this happened to you when you were at school too at some point.

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Still no proof of this claim…

    I honestly don’t care about proving anything to you. You’re just gonna deny the facts presented and use your feelings to overrule them.

    Facts don’t care about your feelings.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    You haven’t posted any facts. That’s the difference. You’ve got he IQ of Brendan Dassey. If you tell the truth I’ll let you watch wrestle mania.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    “Look, I could prove this if I wanted to. I have facts, I have more facts than anyone. I’ve spent my whole life having facts. Let me tell you, my IQ is really high. It’s 180. Einstein didn’t have an IQ as high as mine. Everyone agrees. The left want are putting out fake news, they’re telling you I don’t have any facts and I can’t prove this, but I can prove it. Just watch me prove it. Everyone’s gonna be saying how the left said I couldn’t prove it and I did and I’m really smart. I can prove anything I want, but I’m not gonna, ’cause I’m really smart with a high IQ.”

    You are Donald Trump and I claim my £5.

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    You haven’t posted any facts. That’s the difference. You’ve got he IQ of Brendan Dassey. If you tell the truth I’ll let you watch wrestle mania.

    ??? that one tickled me

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Awesomex – the king of alternative facts.


    awesomex WANTED $136

    Listen to this shit. Also keep in mind this is from December 2017.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Why the fuck would anyone listen to a 2 hour debate about paedophillia?

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Why the fuck would anyone listen to a 2 hour debate about paedophillia?

    I listen to a lot of the debates on Destiny’s channel cus they reflect what a lot of the younger “adults” in America think like these days. They’re setting the trend for the rest of the western world, so whatever happens there will be coming here as well.

    I find it interesting. Tedious at times, but it gives a clue about what will eventually happen here.

    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    @awesomex. I don’t believe that a lot of young adults think like this. I do believe that these people are given more of a platform these days than before which may give the impression that there are more of them.

    Should they be given a platform? My instinct says no bloody way, but there are arguments that nothing should be banned from discussion and I do have sympathy with that view. Maybe this is an exception though, as the guy was actively trying to promote it as a healthy life choice for both him and his victims. Child abuse always has a catastrophic psychological effect on the victims, no matter how young they are. It damages them for life. I know this.

    As I’ve said before, there is a difference between a pederast, like this bloke, and a paedophile. The paedophile has feelings which he can do nothing about, and would never act on them. They deserve help and support. The pederast does act on them and needs to be bound and handed over to the parents for long and painful retribution.


    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    I just want to know what the point was? I’m not gonna ever waste my time watching any of that shit. Looks like some cunt from Singapore is saying shit to attempt to sound relevant.

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    I just want to know what the point was? I’m not gonna ever waste my time watching any of that shit. Looks like some cunt from Singapore is saying shit to attempt to sound relevant.

    The point is that this fucker has a lot of support, and that they’re actually taking this further right now in 2019. And there’s gonna be more of it.

    Law makers are pushing for these 2 things right now:
    -Pedophilia to be considered a sexual orientation
    -Discrimination based on sexual orientation to be made illegal.

    If they get these 2 things through, we’re suddenly opening up for the next step, which will be what this dingbat in the video is talking about

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Paul Joseph Watson does a quality video about the deluded left and their burning urge of inclusion.. Including nabla, nonces and the rest.. Google it


    Unlike IQ awesomex isn’t chatting shit this time

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