Sumday Slots

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)
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  • #90302
    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    I’m getting really tired of logging on and reading these posts, bitching about the Bandit and generally sounding off about cock all. They must sit there, bored, thinking, “How can I wind some bugger up – ah yes, let’s post some shit!”

    I’m all for people having opinions but am now firmly in the ban hammer camp. Where’s Seedy when you need him? 🙁

    Run187 WANTED $28

    adzilanino9 wrote:

    Mr Bandit you have lost your audience. I think you need to search within yourself and stop blaming the community you built that has largely become frustrated with you.

    that’s losing an audience is it?..

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)