Small business ideas

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  • #57090
    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I’m sick of being skint all the time and working for the man.. I fucking hate it actually lol so as I have no dependants or really any responsibility at all I’m thinking of setting up something for myself and stop being a woker bee


    Has anyone ever quit there job and started up there own venture? I’ve had a few ideas and day dreams about different things, most recently I’ve been thinking of getting one of those ice cream trike things and selling ice cream on the beaches around here in the summer

    Any ideas for cheap to start ventures? I cant deal with working to make my boss richer while I remain skint.. The cunt turned up in a £115k Aston Martin the other day, the limited addition James bond one.. Then he told me the extra hour I do in the mornings won’t be paid as overtime as he can’t afford it! so I should think of it as professional courtesy..

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    At 24 i set up my own fish business. I’d been in the industry for several years previously. I took the staff from the company i worked for with me and had a go. I absolutely loved it. It’s not easy and can be long hours but the rewards are worth it. After an unbelievable first year. Complacency set it and my customer base started to dwindle. I sold the business 10 years later. I’m still a director of a new company but sorely work for one company who provide me with more than enough work. I made a decent amount of money but in hindsight i made lots of mistakes. I wouldn’t change anything though. This kind of thread is great interest to me so would love to share my experiences with you mate.

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sick of being skint all the time and working for the man.. I fucking hate it actually lol so as I have no dependants or really any responsibility at all I’m thinking of setting up something for myself and stop being a woker bee


    Has anyone ever quit there job and started up there own venture? I’ve had a few ideas and day dreams about different things, most recently I’ve been thinking of getting one of those ice cream trike things and selling ice cream on the beaches around here in the summer

    Any ideas for cheap to start ventures? I cant deal with working to make my boss richer while I remain skint.. The cunt turned up in a £115k Aston Martin the other day, the limited addition James bond one.. Then he told me the extra hour I do in the mornings won’t be paid as overtime as he can’t afford it! so I should think of it as professional courtesy..

    Gave up my job a month ago mate as an operations manager (sounds good but it ain’t really) to take on my father in laws chippy. Now I do half the hours on triple the money. Fuck me, there’s some money to be made in food! I also get to spend extra time with my little man who is 18 months old.

    I’m a firm believer that everyone deserves just one lucky break in life, especially if you’re a grafter, this just happened to be mine hopefully. Grab the opportunity with both hands if it comes along mate. It’s scary giving up a job with regular salary but the risk can reap rewards majorly sometimes!

    Hope it works out mate! ??

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sick of being skint all the time and working for the man.. I fucking hate it actually lol so as I have no dependants or really any responsibility at all I’m thinking of setting up something for myself and stop being a woker bee


    Has anyone ever quit there job and started up there own venture? I’ve had a few ideas and day dreams about different things, most recently I’ve been thinking of getting one of those ice cream trike things and selling ice cream on the beaches around here in the summer

    Any ideas for cheap to start ventures? I cant deal with working to make my boss richer while I remain skint.. The cunt turned up in a £115k Aston Martin the other day, the limited addition James bond one.. Then he told me the extra hour I do in the mornings won’t be paid as overtime as he can’t afford it! so I should think of it as professional courtesy..

    Gave up my job a month ago mate as an operations manager (sounds good but it ain’t really) to take on my father in laws chippy. Now I do half the hours on triple the money. Fuck me, there’s some money to be made in food! I also get to spend extra time with my little man who is 18 months old.

    I’m a firm believer that everyone deserves just one lucky break in life, especially if you’re a grafter, this just happened to be mine hopefully. Grab the opportunity with both hands if it comes along mate. It’s scary giving up a job with regular salary but the risk can reap rewards majorly sometimes!

    Hope it works out mate! ??

    I’m not surprised by that fish and chips is 6 quid wherever you go nowadays and wholesale price isn’t that bad at all. Where’s your chippy mate ?

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Haz40 wrote:

    At 24 i set up my own fish business. I’d been in the industry for several years previously. I took the staff from the company i worked for with me and had a go. I absolutely loved it. It’s not easy and can be long hours but the rewards are worth it. After an unbelievable first year. Complacency set it and my customer base started to dwindle. I sold the business 10 years later. I’m still a director of a new company but sorely work for one company who provide me with more than enough work. I made a decent amount of money but in hindsight i made lots of mistakes. I wouldn’t change anything though. This kind of thread is great interest to me so would love to share my experiences with you mate.

    Nice man! It’s the first steps that I’m most anxious about really like setting up and stuff

    Also capital is an issue for me but with a bit of luck I should be getting some compensation to the tune of a grand soon so I’m gonna use that and my last months wages to start I think

    DAC007 WANTED $16

    I’ve looked into importing things from China to flog here in the UK, for example, you can buy 5000 pairs of kids school trousers for £2000 – they are £3 a pair in the Supermarkets, I’ve also look at buying stab vests for £10.00 and could potentially sell them here for £40.00

    I keep running out of time though as I have a mental full time job of 60 hours a week and about 600 miles of travelling, I also have a 5 year old, hence the idea of school trousers as he’s always wrecking his 🙂

    I think, and I know it’s obvious, you need to be brave and just go for it once you have a decent plan.

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sick of being skint all the time and working for the man.. I fucking hate it actually lol so as I have no dependants or really any responsibility at all I’m thinking of setting up something for myself and stop being a woker bee


    Has anyone ever quit there job and started up there own venture? I’ve had a few ideas and day dreams about different things, most recently I’ve been thinking of getting one of those ice cream trike things and selling ice cream on the beaches around here in the summer

    Any ideas for cheap to start ventures? I cant deal with working to make my boss richer while I remain skint.. The cunt turned up in a £115k Aston Martin the other day, the limited addition James bond one.. Then he told me the extra hour I do in the mornings won’t be paid as overtime as he can’t afford it! so I should think of it as professional courtesy..

    Just looked at that Ice Cream thing out of interest

    a new ice cream van can cost upwards of £60,000, a five year old one averages about £12,000, a new trailer might cost around £10,000 and a trike or cart might be as low as £3,000.  Then you have to add in the trading permit and the start up capital for your stock, along with somewhere to store it.  It’s also pretty seasonal

    Good money to be made in the summer depending on competition, in your area I am guessing it is pretty steep and it only takes a couple of rainy days to completely screw your calculations over

    Problem is always the start up capital in any business though and the need to continue paying bills while you generate income.  Do you have a specific skill which you could not so much sell to a boss but use to sell stutf.

    Another alternative is franchises, although yet again you have to have the money to throw up front.

    I will be a worker bee all my life 🙂



    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Haz40 wrote:

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sick of being skint all the time and working for the man.. I fucking hate it actually lol so as I have no dependants or really any responsibility at all I’m thinking of setting up something for myself and stop being a woker bee


    Has anyone ever quit there job and started up there own venture? I’ve had a few ideas and day dreams about different things, most recently I’ve been thinking of getting one of those ice cream trike things and selling ice cream on the beaches around here in the summer

    Any ideas for cheap to start ventures? I cant deal with working to make my boss richer while I remain skint.. The cunt turned up in a £115k Aston Martin the other day, the limited addition James bond one.. Then he told me the extra hour I do in the mornings won’t be paid as overtime as he can’t afford it! so I should think of it as professional courtesy..

    Gave up my job a month ago mate as an operations manager (sounds good but it ain’t really) to take on my father in laws chippy. Now I do half the hours on triple the money. Fuck me, there’s some money to be made in food! I also get to spend extra time with my little man who is 18 months old.

    I’m a firm believer that everyone deserves just one lucky break in life, especially if you’re a grafter, this just happened to be mine hopefully. Grab the opportunity with both hands if it comes along mate. It’s scary giving up a job with regular salary but the risk can reap rewards majorly sometimes!

    Hope it works out mate! ??

    I’m not surprised by that fish and chips is 6 quid wherever you go nowadays and wholesale price isn’t that bad at all. Where’s your chippy mate ?

    It’s in a small holiday town in west Wales near Aberystwyth mate. Middle of nowhere but plenty of holiday makers about as it’s on the coast. ???

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    DAC007 wrote:

    I’ve looked into importing things from China to flog here in the UK, for example, you can buy 5000 pairs of kids school trousers for £2000 – they are £3 a pair in the Supermarkets, I’ve also look at buying stab vests for £10.00 and could potentially sell them here for £40.00

    I keep running out of time though as I have a mental full time job of 60 hours a week and about 600 miles of travelling, I also have a 5 year old, hence the idea of school trousers as he’s always wrecking his ?

    I think, and I know it’s obvious, you need to be brave and just go for it once you have a decent plan.

    China is definitely a place to get cheap shit from, the trouble being that it is cheap shit 🙂   But there are a whole range of people selling stuff from China on ebay, way too many, who must be making a reasonable amount of money out of it.

    The good thing about that being that you can continue to work while you build up your business.   Question is identifying whats hot and whats not – you don’t want to be left with 5,000 tamagotchi’s or Spinners once the bottom drops out of the market 🙂

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    I started with 6.5k and for me that was barely enough. I would hope someone may provide a link to small business set up for raising capital like princes trust or something. My advice is to look to set up a company with companies house and write out a business plan. Take it to Lloyds who approve a high percentage of set up loans. Make your company limited and not sole trader as if it goes tits up the company is liable for outstanding debts and not you personally. You just got to think of a good catchy name lol. It will take more time than you think but if you have enough funds to start you off don’t register a company straight away. Try it for a week or two first and if it’s working then register. It all depends on how much it will cost you to set up and how much you have.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sick of being skint all the time and working for the man.. I fucking hate it actually lol so as I have no dependants or really any responsibility at all I’m thinking of setting up something for myself and stop being a woker bee


    Has anyone ever quit there job and started up there own venture? I’ve had a few ideas and day dreams about different things, most recently I’ve been thinking of getting one of those ice cream trike things and selling ice cream on the beaches around here in the summer

    Any ideas for cheap to start ventures? I cant deal with working to make my boss richer while I remain skint.. The cunt turned up in a £115k Aston Martin the other day, the limited addition James bond one.. Then he told me the extra hour I do in the mornings won’t be paid as overtime as he can’t afford it! so I should think of it as professional courtesy..

    Just looked at that Ice Cream thing out of interest

    a new ice cream van can cost upwards of £60,000, a five year old one averages about £12,000, a new trailer might cost around £10,000 and a trike or cart might be as low as £3,000.  Then you have to add in the trading permit and the start up capital for your stock, along with somewhere to store it.  It’s also pretty seasonal

    Good money to be made in the summer depending on competition, in your area I am guessing it is pretty steep and it only takes a couple of rainy days to completely screw your calculations over

    Problem is always the start up capital in any business though and the need to continue paying bills while you generate income.  Do you have a specific skill which you could not so much sell to a boss but use to sell stutf.

    Another alternative is franchises, although yet again you have to have the money to throw up front.

    I will be a worker bee all my life ?



    I found a site that sells the peddle trike things for a grand but then it’s the other costs like you say which could fuck me like licencing and everything.. I’m hoping to have around 3k potentially more if I can raise a bit from family and stuff, it’s funny I get nervous about the thought of risking 3k on a business but I easy play that a few times over on casinos each year lol

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Eightblack wrote:

    I found a site that sells the peddle trike things for a grand but then it’s the other costs like you say which could fuck me like licencing and everything.. I’m hoping to have around 3k potentially more if I can raise a bit from family and stuff, it’s funny I get nervous about the thought of risking 3k on a business but I easy play that a few times over on casinos each year lol

    Yep, theres a lot of reading to be done, not least that the council doesnt issue licences for the pier or sea front in your area so it seems quite complicated, especially as they are the high profit areas.   Couldn’t work out how you do get licensed for it and the terminology they use would confuse Einstein!

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Eightblack wrote:

    I found a site that sells the peddle trike things for a grand but then it’s the other costs like you say which could fuck me like licencing and everything.. I’m hoping to have around 3k potentially more if I can raise a bit from family and stuff, it’s funny I get nervous about the thought of risking 3k on a business but I easy play that a few times over on casinos each year lol

    You might also want to read into government small business loans, t

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    I found a site that sells the peddle trike things for a grand but then it’s the other costs like you say which could fuck me like licencing and everything.. I’m hoping to have around 3k potentially more if I can raise a bit from family and stuff, it’s funny I get nervous about the thought of risking 3k on a business but I easy play that a few times over on casinos each year lol

    You might also want to read into government small business loans, t

    Whats the score with those as my credit rating is fucked due to previous gambling issues,

    Does your personal credit affect your eligibility for business loans?

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Eightblack wrote:

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    I found a site that sells the peddle trike things for a grand but then it’s the other costs like you say which could fuck me like licencing and everything.. I’m hoping to have around 3k potentially more if I can raise a bit from family and stuff, it’s funny I get nervous about the thought of risking 3k on a business but I easy play that a few times over on casinos each year lol

    You might also want to read into government small business loans, t

    Whats the score with those as my credit rating is fucked due to previous gambling issues,

    Does your personal credit affect your eligibility for business loans?

    I’m not altogether sure how it works, just throwing it out for consideration.  It’s probably not as bad as the banks though, might be worth a shot and you have nothing to lose except the time in researching it

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