Place your bets folks

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  • #65151
    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I’m sorry for getting involved in all the discourse here, I feel I may have fuelled the fire but saying that I will give what I get.. I hope u haven’t  contributed to too much stress to seedy and the bandit though


    Glad your still here thisgirl I was worried you’d left x

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I haven’t contributed ****

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    argyl53 wrote:

    Have a look at The Bandit’s latest tweets for some killer losing bets ?

    Yeah I saw them last night, ouch!

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sorry for getting involved in all the discourse here, I feel I may have fuelled the fire but saying that I will give what I get.. I hope u haven’t  contributed to too much stress to seedy and the bandit though


    Glad your still here thisgirl I was worried you’d left x

    All the issue in the forum are your fault ??

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sorry for getting involved in all the discourse here, I feel I may have fuelled the fire but saying that I will give what I get.. I hope u haven’t  contributed to too much stress to seedy and the bandit though


    Glad your still here thisgirl I was worried you’d left x

    Nah there were a couple of people who wanted to create drama here, whether it was for attention, because they were bored or whatever other reason. Other people including you and me might have foolishly reacted to bait a couple of times but we didn’t start things with anyone. And being honest, atmosphere on the forum last couple of days has already been noticeably more pleasant.

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    50/1 haz surely ur zero icon  is broken typical bookie ?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    All the drama was me. I’m the littlefinger of the group. Mwahaha

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    eejit101 wrote:

    All the drama was me. I’m the littlefinger of the group. Mwahaha

    So that was you on Slotmad today was it mate? Designer stubble and shades? Looking sharp pal ???

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    eejit101 wrote:

    All the drama was me. I’m the littlefinger of the group. Mwahaha

    So that was you on Slotmad today was it mate? Designer stubble and shades? Looking sharp pal ???

    It’s a beard! Ish.


    And shades as its 25 degrees and hot!

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    eejit101 wrote:

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    eejit101 wrote:

    All the drama was me. I’m the littlefinger of the group. Mwahaha

    So that was you on Slotmad today was it mate? Designer stubble and shades? Looking sharp pal ???

    It’s a beard! Ish.


    And shades as its 25 degrees and hot!

    Yeah, I wasn’t having a dig. Just distinguishing you from the other guy on stream by your appearance. Nice to put a face to the name. ?

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    Eightblack wrote:

    I’m sorry for getting involved in all the discourse here, I feel I may have fuelled the fire but saying that I will give what I get.. I hope u haven’t  contributed to too much stress to seedy and the bandit though


    Glad your still here thisgirl I was worried you’d left x

    I’m still here Mr, just didn’t want to get dragged into the fire, missed you all! Xx

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Haz40 wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ll stick a pound on Benq and Geezawin ?

    Do I not get odds? ? Not controversial enough nowadays me ?

    After considerable deliberation the decision was made not to add xbobmad to the betting. ?. We can confirm though that a new member has been added to the betting. This member is Aps31 and is currently available at 12/1.

    I will be cashing in on all the losing bets folks. Thanks for playing. I think the winner is aps31 priced at 12/1. ??

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Still here motherfuckers ?

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Damn, a jokey message just cost me £2! Which charity would you like to have the donation Haz?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Damn, a jokey message just cost me £2! Which charity would you like to have the donation Haz?

    Only one charity i have in mind. That’s the charity of mr and mrs xbobmad new addition to the family in the near future please. ??

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 180 total)

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