Liars, Cheats and Manipulators!

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  • #67671
    Hockers62 WANTED $7

    Where profit or money making is involved there will be liars ,cheats and Manipulators . period

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Firstly why on earth does it take billions of dollars to bring a pill to market? That’s just fucking ridiculous and down right wrong. And it has obviously been put in place to drive away natural remedies and small companies who delve deep into research and try to produce their own cures or meds. I don’t know a lot about big pharma. But what I can tell, is that they are obviously at the top of the pyramid, and would do anything literally anything to keep their secrets and hold over the meds’ market.

    Dallas Buyers Club is a great example.

    Maybe the film doesn’t  show the full story. But the jist of it was that a small group started their own meds firm with good quality remedies and got swiftly shut down by the FBI, or summat like that. I know it’s a film l, and I know it’s a poor example. But this film tells the leymans term story of how all big buisness work.

    The members here that totally disagree with others about being manipulated by ads, speeches, votes or headlines are asleep. And are totally closed off to the idea that they “could” be obliviously mind controlled.

    All big buisness is…is a head fuck. They will bend and pull you in every direction until they have you under their spell.

    What really grinds my gears, is that these members have been given “Hard Evidence” of every consumer sector fucking the masses over for “Decades”

    Yet they defend the very companies that take from the extreme poor and give to themselves.

    It really makes me smh ?‍♂️ whilst writing this.

    However we all do agree, that most big buisness have no moral standard towards the consumer, have no emotion towards destroying people’s lives or deceiving them by fraud or lies.

    And the left/rights argument is “hey fuck it…it’s just how they make money” just deal with it.



    Fucking worst argument ever!






    Sal139 WANTED $29

    “And it has obviously been put in place to drive away natural remedies”


    Natural remedies do pretty much nothing against actual disease. There’s literally minimal to no evidence that they are effective. Old wives tales don’t cure cancer.

    Does your outrage towards these companies stretch to the impact on the poor around the world? Nestle for example? I boycott Nestle because of their direct impact on the lives of the poorest people in Africa.

    My boycott will do nothing to Nestle’s bottom line but I feel a little less morally bankrupt for not buying from them.

    That’s literally all you can do to address the imbalance.

    The argument, about it being the way they make money so get on with it, is actually less of an argument and more of a statement.

    I paraphrase, but: the reason why the rich generally do not behave admirably is, ironically, that they are widely admired anyway (on account of their wealth). In other words, the rich are not somehow innately vicious people. Rather, their affluence puts them in a position in which they do not have to behave morally in order to earn the esteem of others, most of whom are dazzled and enchanted by their riches.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Sal139 wrote:

    “And it has obviously been put in place to drive away natural remedies”


    Natural remedies do pretty much nothing against actual disease. There’s literally minimal to no evidence that they are effective. Old wives tales don’t cure cancer.

    Does your outrage towards these companies stretch to the impact on the poor around the world? Nestle for example? I boycott Nestle because of their direct impact on the lives of the poorest people in Africa.

    My boycott will do nothing to Nestle’s bottom line but I feel a little less morally bankrupt for not buying from them.

    That’s literally all you can do to address the imbalance.

    The argument, about it being the way they make money so get on with it, is actually less of an argument and more of a statement.

    I paraphrase, but: the reason why the rich generally do not behave admirably is, ironically, that they are widely admired anyway (on account of their wealth). In other words, the rich are not somehow innately vicious people. Rather, their affluence puts them in a position in which they do not have to behave morally in order to earn the esteem of others, most of whom are dazzled and enchanted by their riches.

    Your just like the other argumentative people here mate. You picked a single line out of my reply, and didn’t even quote the full sentence I gave. Very poor form.

    You try to drive the conversation away from the issues.Then proceeded to spout on about nothingness.

    The last paragraph you wrote was just retarded, and has no place in this discussion.



    Liberty WANTED $132

    It’s not a sheep thing just basics it’s living in the framework of reality. We are living through a capitalist society. It’s not that I disagree with you that people getting insanely rich off of the poorest of us is a bad thing morally, it’s just that is the system we live in.

    Generally speaking capitalism drives innovation much faster than communism or even socialism. The reasons for this are widely debated and numerous but ‘basically’ come down to the almighty dollar and its purchasing power driving us to be the best we can be.

    So yes, big business has repeatedly taken the utter piss and flouted regulations because the cost of following them is higher than the penalty for not and yes in morale terms I frown on certain business models but simply put, all I can do is avoid those I disagree with – like the guy who you got upset with who posted some very good points imo.

    In a capitalist society your voice is your wallet. Use it, or don’t.

    Sal139 WANTED $29


    Awesome argument. 🙂

    It actually relates to the argument that people say to just get on with things as they are. People are less likely to challenge the system if they respect people with money. And given that our capitalist society makes it socially acceptable to chase and appreciate wealth, those morally corrupt businesses will get away with it because people want to emulate them. In essence, nobody aspires to be poor.


    Let’s bullet point responses to the rest of your post.

    – People have already explained to you the reasons for the costs in bringing a new drug onto the market. No point in rehashing what they’ve said.

    – You use a film as an example to further your argument. There’s no point in responding to that. It’s a film!

    – You spout some nonsense about people being mind controlled like it’s some cheap trick. Of course adverts and marketing is targeted to make us buy a product! Hardly ground breaking!

    – Not everything those in power say is some kind of conspiracy over the rest of the world. Are there things going on that they would rather we didn’t know about? More than likely. Plenty of respectable and reliable content showing that it’s the case. But again, hardly inside information.

    – Not sure people are defending multi national conglomerates. More accepting that there are some things in our remit to control and some are not. None of us are going to change the attitudes of these businesses, but we can vote with our wallets to make ourselves feel a little better.

    You talk about my post being retarded, you’re posting all these views as though the world is blind to the corruption of big business and that you are some kind of saviour, here to warn and guide us all.

    None of this is new. It’s constantly in the news, plenty of respectable journalists write articles on it. Yes it’s bad and yes we are all in some sense slaves to it.

    But you do have a choice! Don’t use the company’s products! But if you’re going to be all ethical, there’s a hell of a lot you’d have to go without because big business supplies most of it!

    I find some your threads and ideas quite interesting, you clearly have a passion for tackling injustice which is awesome. But equally, moaning about the state of big business on here won’t solve anything and clearly just gets you even more annoyed! That being said, always makes for an entertaining read!

    Enjoy your weekend. 🙂

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