FTAO : Every Slot Streamer.

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  • #110567
    igc-rm WANTED $21

    There is a standard to maintain and I think I have found the threshold. Sure, everyone will have different things, styles, mannerisms they like and dislike. Tonight I told Gentleman Gambler to stop using the word SUPERLATIVES. He is one step away from say “E, a great vowel”. I struggle with his well spoken style. It always bugs me because so many people try to put on that voice and when it sounds fake, it sounds shite. Just one minor example of off putting things when we wish to try and enjoy a stream.

    Sure, we you owe each other nothing but this isn’t a demand, this is in fact, help for you, from me, for free. It certainly isn’t hate.

    So what is this threshold ? Easy.

    You have to be better to watch than reruns of acceptable streamers. Bandit for example, is my rewatch. I hope to find vids I maybe haven’t seen but I think I have pretty much seen them all…. but are you better to watch than a rerun of the old cockhead himself ?

    Keep in mind that a lot of your audience aren’t fit to spell their own name heck, many struggle with spelling the word lose, never mind tell you if they really are enjoying your stream… they get excited licking windows and watching paint dry. I have love for these people, but they aren’t capable of meaningfully propping up your ego.

    Picture the very capable comedian Lee Evans when he puts on the dumb ass voices of clueless characters in his set. Yup, a lot of your audience.

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    igc-rm wrote:

    Picture the very capable comedian Lee Evans when he puts on the dumb ass voices of clueless characters in his set. Yup, a lot of your audience.

    I should rightly add…. Some of you streamers, are indeed as qualified as your audience.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Bit strange 😳

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    Seems harsh but true doesn’t it ?

    If they aren’t as entertaining as a rerun of something already watched by a founded good quality streamer, then they need to work on things. And it really is no use or even counterproductive allowing your streaming ego to be nursed by people who suffer a car journey occasionally exclaiming “look, a tree!!!!!”.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Seems harsh but true , or u being an absolute cunt!

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    Harsh + cunt = cuntish. So the math works. But the truth shall something something

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Math , I can’t even spell my own name !

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    I’m confused. What’s the question?

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Dynamik23 wrote:

    What’s the question?

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Dynamik23 wrote:

    I’m confused. What’s the question?

    I think it’s how many different  ways can you call streamer supporters dumb ???? I think …I mean …I can’t count past 10 unless my shoes are off… so ……yeah

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    igc-rm wrote:

    So what is this threshold ? Easy.


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