Casino closing chaise build slots

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  • #98039
    Gavster1989 WANTED $22

    First off shadow bet closed now wish maker has made me aware they are closing. The frustrating thing is I have little devil hearts build quite high. A maxed swarm that I have piled money into which I’m not complaining about and a royal mint built quite high. Not happy that I cant see the bonuses out and no proper notice that they are closing on the 13th of this month tomorrow. As I’m a stickler for keeping to my deposit limits I wouldnt be able to play until friday. Obviously that’s no good because they are stopping service to us. Tbh I never complain win or lose but this has made me feel really annoyed. Anyone else had this happen to them.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Personally no, but there was another thread just like this one, I don’t know if they offered any guidance but might be worth a  look

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    It’s just unfortunate, kind of like having a points card for a retailer that’s no longer trading

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Xbobmad wrote:

    It’s just unfortunate, kind of like having a points card for a retailer that’s no longer trading

    Excellent way of putting it ….

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    The same happened to me a while back and I was fuming ? I feel for you ?

    Gavster1989 WANTED $22

    Haha its is frustrating like. Never mind might have saved me some money chasing the swarm ?

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    there does seem to be a relatively easy solution to this, just top up 3 days early and hope u win lol! i would see that as a good enough reason to break from tradition

    Gavster1989 WANTED $22

    Yeah I did think about it but I literally only got 8 hours notice and didnt fancy chasing it in one go as we all know how thay ends most of the time.

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