Caring casinos, do they really exist and how do they care ?

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    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Oldmoon wrote:

    Thanks for that rbreen if you think my statement is retarded that’s absolutely fine,whenever we are given information we do what we please with it ,the world would be a boring place if we all had the same opinions and thoughts.

    I think claiming 90% when the real figure is not even close is retarded. Not you personally.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Rbgreen no name calling and yes calling someone a retard while not super offensive is still playground so please don’t other then that contributing to the conversation is fine.


    I didnt call anyone a fucking retard. I said that one point they made was retarded. And it is.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Biased moderation noted.

    Mitros On Fire WANTED $40

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Mr B wrote:

    Biased moderation noted.

    Ha, what a joker.

    Feel free to go and post on another forum if you’re so hard done by here.

    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Ok the key word here is related.when a class a substance abuser goes out shoplifting to fund his habit and gets caught his conviction is for shop lifting, buts it’s still drug related.when a victim of domestic violence calls the police and the abuser is arrested he is convicted for gbh or whatever the statistics show that.not that he was drunk or under the influence of drugs again the crime is drug related.burglaries mugging stabbing some youths fighting outside pubs high on cocaine the crimes get tucked away as a statistic for the said crime but most are drug related.the list is endless.apart from a few functioning class a abusers the sad truth is crime has to be committed to fund said habit.your average joe in the street working married with children has very little reason to go out and commit a crime.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Your figure of 90% is absolutely ludicrous. I’m not saying that 2.7% is the figure, I’ll admit it’s more, because of the reasons you’ve said, but 90% is complete and utter bollocks.

    lyoto WANTED $3

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Your figure of 90% is absolutely ludicrous. I’m not saying that 2.7% is the figure, I’ll admit it’s more, because of the reasons you’ve said, but 90% is complete and utter bollocks.

    if someone throws out a statistic without a source you can assume it is made up

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    @eightblack – Have you still got problems with oxy, coke and valleys? I hope not but let us know

    What about the gambling problem? Is that fixed? Will it ever be fixed and is there a substitute or medical process?

    There is no substitute for gambling and while it’s not as stark in physical and mental destruction as pharmaceuticals, the destruction is virtually inevitable and the collateral damage can be just as great if not greater. You can’t snort $100K in a night but you can piss it up the wall at a casino

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    @argyl @eejit101

    You guys are saying don’t blame the casino operators it’s all down to individual responsibility

    I will say that’s false and I’ll use my own experience and that of everyone I know to prove it

    I started gambling as a child. I think I was 7 and my brother was 9. It was part of a church thing lol when we used to go to the seaside towns for the day. You know most of them have arcade machines and tuppenny nudgers, so the group (aged like 7-18) would end up in the arcades and mostly gambling

    You might say that’s fine it’s only those silly things and it’s no big deal at that age. Nothing could be further from the truth. Children are much more susceptible to addiction and destructive pathways than adults. Most importantly children do not have the developed brain either physically or emotionally to process and expunge addictive tendencies like adults do. In a real sense you could argue that children don’t have a choice. They want to explore and experience new things, especially the things they see older people doing. If children are exposed to these brainwave patterns, those patterns and reward structures can become permanent even with minimal exposure to things like gambling and nicotine

    Our society has promoted gambling to kids. WE ARE THE ONLY COUNTRY ON EARTH THAT DOES THIS

    The reasons this has come about is due to the power and influence of the rich fat cat casino operators. They are buying up everything and pushing it into every corner of life. Is it 60% of Premier League clubs are now sponsored by gambling firms? Maybe it’s only 40% but still, gambling is everywhere in sport and has been normalized in this country for children

    This is not laissez-faire capitalism this is war against our own children and the common man

    If people are too ignorant to see that because they work for the gambling industry, those people deserved to be trolled hard for holding that opinion

    The only real comparison to the UK gambling industry for kids is the tobacco industry in Indonesia. Kids in Indonesia are allowed to smoke and retailers are allowed to sell cigarettes to children. Guess what shit looks like in Indonesia? Kids are smoking in primary school, babies are smoking, doctors are smoking, everybody is fucking smoking

    Those children were not given the choice of an addiction-free childhood so that they could function in society later in life as normal adults

    It wasn’t my fault I started gambling as a 7 yr old. It wasn’t my parents’ fault. It wasn’t the church’s fault, it was the fault of THE CASINOS, society (laws etc) and the group I was with

    The entire group to a man developed issues with gambling that lasted right up until they were real adults, like 25 years old. In the meantime the gambling industry took us collectively for millions. Young men in the UK who frankly don’t know any better are giving the industry £BILLIONS every year

    Sorry that’s a bit of a divergence from the thread title. There are no caring casinos. They are parasites all of them

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    You guys are saying don’t blame the casino operators it’s all down to individual responsibility

    That’s not quite what I’ve said, or certainly it paints a false picture of the point I’ve been trying to make insofar “it’s all down to individual responsibility” would suggest a laissez-faire attitude that the industry should be a free for all with no rules or regulation and that’s categorically not a view I hold or have ever espoused.

    What I do believe is that in the case of addicts / compulsive gamblers, individual responsibility is an equally important factor in breaking the cycle as getting help and any industry regulation. As long as the addict squarely blames the industry or the government and does not accept the element of behaviour on their part which can be changed, they have precisely zero chance of escaping their addiction.

    Also let’s not conflate online casinos with the entirety of the gambling industry. I started gambling in arcades at a very young age too, so the role of allowing children to gamble on essentially kids versions of the games we can play online or in a proper casino does not pass me by. Had I not been able to go and play £5 jackpot fruits as a 10 year old, I might well have never developed the predilection for gambling I have, I’ll never know. I absolutely agree anyone under the age of 18 should not be allowed to gamble in any form. But I also reject I can pin any blame on an online casino for the fact I was allowed to gamble in an arcade as a child. That’s a legislative issue, not an industry one.

    The position I take is that there are already adequate – arguably more than adequate – safeguards and protections in place in the adult gambling industry to protect problem players, including self exclusion, deposit and loss limits, counseling, identity checks, AML regs, KYC regs, source of wealth verifications….stuff so stringent, plenty of players here bitch regularly about how arduous it is to get through it all. If all of that isn’t enough to stop a problem gambler gambling, my argument is that it’s because that person refuses to help themselves and acknowledge that a large part of the problem is their own behaviour and thought patterns, with the corollary that refunding such people their money would neither help them nor be ethical.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Often there is a difference between what is legal/illegal and moral/immoral.

    I’m waiting for these people to claim they are experts on addiction too. Some of these responses are typical of those who work for the gambling industry and a scathing indictment on society. I really don’t want to be that honest but feel I have been left no choice.

    wasn’t it Bob Marley who said ‘the truth is an offence, not a sin’. well, I mean, i’m asking that like I don’t know it was him. I’ve heard him say it enough.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    There are no caring casinos. They are parasites all of them

    I have to agree. Although while some of them are owned by parasites, some are worse. They employ people to troll the internet and stuff, trying to keep public opinion in check. Funnily enough, they’re not the only industry to do it.

    Eejit I think has a vested interest here which is why Seedy has done nothing about it abusing members.

    Feeling mindful of the above Bob Marley quote.




    Mitros On Fire WANTED $40

    Mr B wrote:

    There are no caring casinos. They are parasites all of them

    I have to agree. Although while some of them are owned by parasites, some are worse. They employ people to troll the internet and stuff, trying to keep public opinion in check. Funnily enough, they’re not the only industry to do it.

    Eejit I think has a vested interest here which is why Seedy has done nothing about it abusing members.

    Feeling mindful of the above Bob Marley quote.




    Why do you continue to gamble when you have this attitude? And don’t just say because you’re addicted. For someone with as strong opinions as yours I don’t accept that. You spend your days berating casino’s and spouting off about things like this on here and then proceed to feed the coffers of the people you profess to despise. I would respect someone a lot more if they had all the views you do about the industry and didn’t punt out of principle. With you saying all these things and yet still spinning away I can’t give your opinions the time of day I’m afraid.

    I do not work in the industry but have punted for 20 years now so have had some ups and downs but I’m a firm believer in personal responsibility.

    Maybe your time would be better spent campaigning against it all or something, I don’t know. I’m not really sure what you hope to achieve on here to be honest.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    This thread isn’t about me.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    I’m leaving this forum! For a few hours. ???

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