Ausie laws

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  • #32616
    smc-lockk WANTED $8

    Just had a spine shivering thought , seeing as the UKGC continues to get tighter and tighter on gambling laws, can we see gambling eventually be ruled out in the UK like they did in Australia ? This would be nightmare fuel for most gamblers and i can genuinely see there being a HUGE uproar if this was to eventually happen! Thoughts ?

    Redcorvette WANTED $19

    smc-lockk wrote:

    Just had a spine shivering thought , seeing as the UKGC continues to get tighter and tighter on gambling laws, can we see gambling eventually be ruled out in the UK like they did in Australia ? This would be nightmare fuel for most gamblers and i can genuinely see there being a HUGE uproar if this was to eventually happen! Thoughts ?

    Unlikely to happen due to the tax income generated, and as for “huge uproar” it would be s muted growl of disapproval at best.  I suspect many gamblers would be in part relieved as it would remove the monkey from there back.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    It will never happen  .The government would lose hundreds of millions generated in corporation tax from bookmakers and casino sites

    smc-lockk WANTED $8

    the tax income aspect i do agree with completely , but stranger things have certainly happened , do you recon ? british seem to have a loud voice for everything so i’m not convinced it would be a grumble although you could well be right in regards to the relief factor

    Redcorvette WANTED $19

    smc-lockk wrote:

    the tax income aspect i do agree with completely , but stranger things have certainly happened , do you recon ? british seem to have a loud voice for everything so i’m not convinced it would be a grumble although you could well be right in regards to the relief factor

    Gamblers are by nature secretive animals in many cases, a large number wouldn’t want people to know they gamble, hence my comment that any complaints would be muted.   If however an Albanian is mistreated in Turkey you can expect a mass protest marching through the streets of London screaming that heads must roll 🙂

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    smc-lockk wrote:

    Just had a spine shivering thought , seeing as the UKGC continues to get tighter and tighter on gambling laws, can we see gambling eventually be ruled out in the UK like they did in Australia ? This would be nightmare fuel for most gamblers and i can genuinely see there being a HUGE uproar if this was to eventually happen! Thoughts ?

    Short answer is No… And it’s because aussie has a far more serious problem with gambling than UK & the UK likes to bleed the poor, anytime the UK has tried to curtail the gambling the public/industry has revolted against it.. UK is far more involved in the gambling scene than most countries & cannot do without the revenue.

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