All about moderation.

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Lots of people post comments about gambling addiction and stories and people reply saying been there or done that or I can relate to what you have done but this one I’m not sure about. I’m nowhere near as bad now and I always wondered am I addicted to gambling. Well here’s my theory. Controlled gambling is about moderation right. Well I have none but what about if that applies to everything in life. What if like me for nearly 20 years I couldn’t do anything in moderation. Can you imagine. I’ve had hundreds of nights not remembering getting home after clubbing or been at the pub. Hundreds of reckless gambling sessions. I played 47 frames of snooker with a mate after a night out once. I’d play golf in the dark after playing all day. 6 cans of red bull a day. Worked every hour I was awake when I was in the mood. I literally couldn’t do anything in life in moderation. My missus says I’m an all or nothing person. Can you imagine been a workaholic, binge drinking, sport mad, excessive red bull drinking nymphomaniac crazy gambler. Fuck I miss the good times. Anyone else like me I wonder ? ?

    Steller WANTED $34

    Sounds like you and Keith Moon would have got on like a house on fire.

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Haz40 wrote:

    Lots of people post comments about gambling addiction and stories and people reply saying been there or done that or I can relate to what you have done but this one I’m not sure about. I’m nowhere near as bad now and I always wondered am I addicted to gambling. Well here’s my theory. Controlled gambling is about moderation right. Well I have none but what about if that applies to everything in life. What if like me for nearly 20 years I couldn’t do anything in moderation. Can you imagine. I’ve had hundreds of nights not remembering getting home after clubbing or been at the pub. Hundreds of reckless gambling sessions. I played 47 frames of snooker with a mate after a night out once. I’d play golf in the dark after playing all day. 6 cans of red bull a day. Worked every hour I was awake when I was in the mood. I literally couldn’t do anything in life in moderation. My missus says I’m an all or nothing person. Can you imagine been a workaholic, binge drinking, sport mad, excessive red bull drinking nymphomaniac crazy gambler. Fuck I miss the good times. Anyone else like me I wonder ? ?

    In a word yes haz I’m pretty much the same as you I take everything I do to the limits ? I’m very envious of people that have self control but fuck it you only live once.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    I’m exactly the same. I smoke like a chimney, gamble recklessly I don’t drink all that often but when I do I end up drinking to excess, if I discover a new song or game I enjoy then I play it death. I used to smoke joints on an hourly basis 7 days a week but I’ve cut down now I’ll have a night of getting blazed about once a month now so that’s something I guess. It’s a shame that my obsessiveness never seems to happen on things that might be good for me though haha.

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