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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $22
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  • in reply to: Who says wagering was hard? #63440
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Bit of an update on this.

    I withdrew the money, early hours of the 25th. Just sort of before I posted this thread, so around 2:15-2:30am.

    I still have not received the money even though it was through PayPal.

    They took untill yesterday to move it from pending to the approval stage. So that’s 4 days. Then at the very end of what I assume is the trading hours (just after 5) they sent me an email with the usual KYC bullshit.

    On the email it states that once I send back the passport photo and everything else with it, it can take 24hours to approve that. Then 24hours to approve the withdrawal. THEN the payment will be sent on the next working day.

    This is absolute madness for a withdrawal through an e-wallet. 8/9 days for a PayPal withdrawal. That means that a bank withdrawal could have been anything up to 2 weeks.

    Highly recommended that anyone thinking about signing up to Aspers, doesn’t.

    in reply to: What a difference a month makes #62532
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    I’m so glad this is coming in. FOBT’s are still going to be a curse on any gambler that uses them, but at least this may limit the few who go over the top.

    We don’t have the laws in N.I yet, but a lot of the major chains have rolled it out as the standard. Hopefully the smaller shops follow suit soon.

    Kudos to you sir, and lets hope you continue your abstention for a lot longer.

    in reply to: Casino Bullshit #62531
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Totally agree. Big win used to be at least 30x. Which in the general scheme of slots, is a decent enough base hit.

    10x and making a fuss, is just overkill design and honestly, if I saw that while playing I would think again about continuing to play. 10x as a big win doesn’t really give me much hope for hitting 100x in the base.

    in reply to: Sky bet – deposit bonus. #62324
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Just logged on to sky. Have they taken out Greentube games? I loved Book of Ra / Lucky Lady’s Charm and Lord of the Ocean. They were basically all I played.

    Ohh and thanks for the slot recommendation, I’ll give it a go later today.

    in reply to: Interestingly calling Casumo Andy #62323
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Send them a selfie with your profit / loss in the background. Haha

    The whole thing is a farce, but I suppose they are only trying to cover their own backs. If they have implemented this in any way, it shouldn’t be one rule for one and another for the rest.

    Maybe an idea to ask if they have any more KYC / Identification methods in place. Do them all, that way you should never have any trouble with this again.

    in reply to: Any Prize Winners on the Forum….? #60202
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Money received and spent! Got my wee dude a few new clothes, some toys and the rest into his savings!

    Massive thanks to TheBandit. Not sure he’d be too happy that his money went to buying a Man Utd strip for the wee one haha.

    Quick request while I’m at it. If your on Betfair or PP try out the original Fruit Stack. Its an older kind of slot. Two different bonuses and the free spins can go mental on his kind of stakes.

    in reply to: ste please just start streaming #59650
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    I for one am more than happy with the content that Steve has already. Streaming is a massive commitment, people expect you to be on at certain times etc.

    I would definitely watch any streams he had, but 2 videos a week full of bonuses and massive gambles are, in my opinion more than enough content.

    Keep em coming Bandit!

    in reply to: Betway withdrawals #59374
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Yea. I really do try to stop myself from reversing. I would rather deposit again than reverse. That way, I know that im not postponing any processing time.

    in reply to: What stats you want Mr Bandit #59363
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Thanks. Just was a general query really. I don’t play reel king. I love slots, but 50/50 gambles are not my thing.


    in reply to: What stats you want Mr Bandit #59345
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Casumo Andy wrote:

    Mr B wrote:

    I have a question or two for Casumo Andy.

    Is the RTP per machine shared by any other players like it should be or is it per player ?

    Casinos were allowed to change the RTP within legal limits, is this still true with virtual slots ?

    To some people the answers seem obvious, while others have wondered.

    Hello Mr B

    If I am understanding your question correctly you are asking if, for instance, the Bandit would have a greater RTP set on his account due to the fact that he is “in the business” against someone like yourself, a regular account holder? The answer is a categorical no, absolutely not!

    You will have the same “Return to player” as the Bandit or any other affiliate, affiliate streamer or anyone else in the industry for that matter while playing at the same casino.

    I spend on average 12 hours a day, if not more, watching casino streamers at work and at home and I always see the usual chat comments “streamer button” “rigged for streamer” and for the ones, with little or no vocabulary “fake” I do always have a chuckle to myself, being on the inside, so to speak, I am behind the curtain on how it all works. I am not saying that if I were not in the privileged position that I am I would not be in the camp sceptic from time to time!

    Slots, by way of design, are always in the casino’s favour and mathematically will always come out a few % ahead on every game that they host and yes when you have a 1000+ games that few % does equate to a good business module. You should never play slots for financial gain, yes there is always the chance that a certain point’s you will show a profit but over the course of time you will be showing a loss. Always play with what you can afford to lose, set limits and look at them as entertainment that is more enjoyable than golf with the occasional chance of coming out ahead! Something I would never have the chance to do on a golf course.

    The part of the industry that I feel seems to manage to dodge the negative press is the actual providers themselves! They design the games for us to showcase on your behalf, for players to enjoy, love or hate. When a new game is launched they offer the casino the game to add to their platform, along with that offer, the casino is offered a choice of what is called “Return to player configuration” Included in this will be the default RTP of say 96.5% there will then be 4 or 5 other options like 94.1% – 87.5% and 84.5% the casino will then choose the tariff package that they would like the game set on. Knowing this information is why it is so important to be selective when you are playing slots at an online casino and to only play at reputable ones like Casumo. The same game at different casinos can have quite a wide margin of difference between them but they will always have the same RTP level set across all accounts that play there, the Bandit will have the same RTP as yourself if you were to play at the same casino.

    There is no magic streamer button! The difference between the majority of streamers and the player is (The Bandit is excluded in part of this as in the 100s of hours of watching his content if my memory serves me correctly, I have only ever seen him use a deposit bonus once and I think it confused him a little so he didn’t do it again!) Availability of deposit bonuses, hours spent playing slots, regularity of playing slots, earnings from their personal affiliate deals and in the Bandits case a set of BIG BALLS!

    This clears a hell of a lot up that I had questioned in the past.

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>I have</span><span style=”font-size: 1rem;”> a question about is the way that RTP works however.</span>

    So say for example, Reel King on Casumo. The RTP is shown as XX.X%

    Is that RTP site wide? Or is that RTP worked out over the duration of one single players account?

    So if it was a site wide RTP, that would make me think that seeing TheBandits wins, and massive RTP on Reel King that I would stay away from that game on Casumo, because surely if he’s £170k up on that single game over the past 6months, that means the 170k will have to be recouped from elsewhere.

    On the other hand, if it is over the duration of an account, these numbers that TheBandit is getting are even more special.

    in reply to: Any Prize Winners on the Forum….? #59168
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Winner winner!! Shittin myself now about making sure I used the link on the signup. Lol Well done everyone else.

    in reply to: The doors were blown off right here. #21530
    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Dude, amazing.

    First post on the forum, but I have been watching religiously for a few years.

    There’s two ways of looking at this. It’s a monstrous, stupid gamble to take, 19k in, DEEP, looking at one of the most silly losses of your gambling career, albeit arguably not silly from the wins of late.


    An honest perspective of a real gamblers path when things pan out they way they have for you.

    Winning, as a gambler is hard to explain. It’s helpful at home, pays things, buys nice things, and also is nice as a story. We’ve all heard of the guy down the pub whos got a 10 fold up off a £5, the kid that hit a massive 2000x off a slot, or even the family who won some cash on the lotto. What we don’t see is how that goes after the wins. The way that can change the way someone gambles. The massive gambles that you normally wouldn’t have taken, or couldn’t afford to do, but now they have the money to do so.

    You explain how this has been a constant for you; In deep, looking like its all a lost cause, then BOOM. A top hits and it all roses, and “Never in doubt, Great game”. Most gamblers will relate to this, they have a favourite game, where they can pump money into, and they have in the back of their mind that this is going to cough, and everything will be OK.

    In my opinion, you have the most rounded set of videos out there. Even on Youtube, you weren’t  a clickbait content provider, like so many others are. However, my advice would be to call it a day with the massive risks FOR NOW, continue with the rest of your luck wave in other areas, but as far as slots go, keep it normal. Enjoy the profit, and treat the family. We will always be here.

    Thanks for providing some amazing content and we can only hope it keeps coming.


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