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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $36
  • Topics Started : 4
  • Replies Created : 92

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  • in reply to: Watch the deleted Sundayslots here. 11 Aug backup #77779
    centipede WANTED $36

    ReggieMac wrote:

    I downloaded this, but when i played the video its full of naked men throwing their sausages around at each other

    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77699
    centipede WANTED $36

    jon scholes wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    He made a joke about the daily mail always blaming things on brown people if you can’t understand that at this point you are beyond help

    Fuck you, you cant understand…there is no fucking correlation. their is no ‘context’…its was a fucking lame attempt to start a rasict row on my thread…and you can stfu n fuck off 8black, nothing you have to say is of any intellect you foul mouthered abusive little twat.

    oh the irony of this post

    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77629
    centipede WANTED $36

    I think it might be the Dunning-Kruger effect

    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77614
    centipede WANTED $36

    jon scholes wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    I don’t think this fella can read… if he can read, he can’t comprehend.

    Peroni filled Rbreen.

    If youre so fucking smart…make me understand what your comment about ‘brown people’ and the ‘daily mail’ have in correlation to my post about professional footballers being affiliated to a casino brand.

    why have you singled out ‘the daily mail’ ????

    Im still waiting for the answer. this must be a really really long reply considering the amount of time its taking for you to respond.

    Omg is this still going on ???

    I did say 14 hours ago that I was ‘just getting started’

    14 hours ago. are you all there mate? mentally?

    Im fine cheers, thanks for showing some concern but its really not needed here. Maybe one or 4 others might need a quick check of their mental health tho, from what I can see theres a lot of paranoria floating around the jb issue.

    that maybe the case, but dont you think this whole thing is just fucking embarrassing? and your wasting 14 hours of your finite life waiting for responses? get out and enjoy your limited time on the earth

    Im absolutely embarrassed for this place yes….The amount of insults, abuse and inaccurate accusations ive had flung at me are a reflection of the type of people that use this forum.

    If some have decided instead of constructive debate they will go for ridicule and insults and it opens a can of worms on their head…That’s not my fault.

    well, ive just wasted my time reading 21 pages of complete garbage on another thread, and you yourself have to take a lot of the blame for that. unless nothing is ever your fault?

    ridicule and insults unfortunately go hand in hand with the internet in general, you just have to develop a thicker skin and know when to pick your battles.


    So…in your world…its ok to fucking blast somebodys opinion because you don’t agree with it.?…its ok to fire aggressive insults and trash talk members you think ‘don’t have any relevance’…Its ok to bait people into arguments ? Then take a back seat when it hits the fan ???

    I didn’t start the foul mouthed taunts…But im certainly going to give them as good as I get.

    I would say, AT LEAST 80% of the aggressive insults and trash talk that ive read tonight was from you alone. so you’ve had your fair share. you need to move on and stop being so triggered.

    This website isnt the be-all and end-all of life.

    do you really want..

    ‘Here lies Jon Scholes, couldn’t move on from an internet argument’

    written across your headstone?

    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77612
    centipede WANTED $36

    jon scholes wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    I don’t think this fella can read… if he can read, he can’t comprehend.

    Peroni filled Rbreen.

    If youre so fucking smart…make me understand what your comment about ‘brown people’ and the ‘daily mail’ have in correlation to my post about professional footballers being affiliated to a casino brand.

    why have you singled out ‘the daily mail’ ????

    Im still waiting for the answer. this must be a really really long reply considering the amount of time its taking for you to respond.

    Omg is this still going on ???

    I did say 14 hours ago that I was ‘just getting started’

    14 hours ago. are you all there mate? mentally?

    Im fine cheers, thanks for showing some concern but its really not needed here. Maybe one or 4 others might need a quick check of their mental health tho, from what I can see theres a lot of paranoria floating around the jb issue.

    that maybe the case, but dont you think this whole thing is just fucking embarrassing? and your wasting 14 hours of your finite life waiting for responses? get out and enjoy your limited time on the earth

    Im absolutely embarrassed for this place yes….The amount of insults, abuse and inaccurate accusations ive had flung at me are a reflection of the type of people that use this forum.

    If some have decided instead of constructive debate they will go for ridicule and insults and it opens a can of worms on their head…That’s not my fault.

    well, ive just wasted my time reading 21 pages of complete garbage on another thread, and you yourself have to take a lot of the blame for that. unless nothing is ever your fault?

    ridicule and insults unfortunately go hand in hand with the internet in general, you just have to develop a thicker skin and know when to pick your battles.


    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77610
    centipede WANTED $36

    jon scholes wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    I don’t think this fella can read… if he can read, he can’t comprehend.

    Peroni filled Rbreen.

    If youre so fucking smart…make me understand what your comment about ‘brown people’ and the ‘daily mail’ have in correlation to my post about professional footballers being affiliated to a casino brand.

    why have you singled out ‘the daily mail’ ????

    Im still waiting for the answer. this must be a really really long reply considering the amount of time its taking for you to respond.

    Omg is this still going on ???

    I did say 14 hours ago that I was ‘just getting started’

    14 hours ago. are you all there mate? mentally?

    Im fine cheers, thanks for showing some concern but its really not needed here. Maybe one or 4 others might need a quick check of their mental health tho, from what I can see theres a lot of paranoria floating around the jb issue.

    that maybe the case, but dont you think this whole thing is just fucking embarrassing? and your wasting 14 hours of your finite life waiting for responses? get out and enjoy your limited time on the earth

    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77608
    centipede WANTED $36

    jon scholes wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    jon scholes wrote:

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    I don’t think this fella can read… if he can read, he can’t comprehend.

    Peroni filled Rbreen.

    If youre so fucking smart…make me understand what your comment about ‘brown people’ and the ‘daily mail’ have in correlation to my post about professional footballers being affiliated to a casino brand.

    why have you singled out ‘the daily mail’ ????

    Im still waiting for the answer. this must be a really really long reply considering the amount of time its taking for you to respond.

    Omg is this still going on ???

    I did say 14 hours ago that I was ‘just getting started’

    14 hours ago. are you all there mate? mentally?

    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77599
    centipede WANTED $36

    Liberty wrote:

    Look… Someone seems to have offered up the daily heil as a source. Rbreen has made a joke about how the daily fail links bad news to immigration, hence this Brexit flustercluck

    You’ve gone balls deep on it. Fuck knows why but it’s as obvious as the sun provides light on earth what rbreen meant your lack of comprehension is your own issue.

    P.s. if you read the daily tails for news then you’re being mislead.

    last newspaper I read was the sunday sport and had a headline about a newcastle united fan being bummed to death by a zebra

    in reply to: Congrats @Haz40 !! #77598
    centipede WANTED $36

    wow, how embarrassing this whole thread is, and absolutely hilarious at the same time.

    congrats haz on the 1000 likes!

    who will be the first person to 1000 dislikes?

    in reply to: Holy crap, JB was right… #77595
    centipede WANTED $36

    Jesus wept

    in reply to: Biggest loss today, took 2 minutes. #76364
    centipede WANTED $36

    Wow. As everyone else has said, one of the stupidest bets I’ve ever seen!

    Well… i do remember one guy in the bookies years ago who was clearly knitting with only one needle. He used to bet 20ps, 3 quid total stake on number 1-36, so if 1-36 came in he would get his 3 quid back, and if zero came in he would lose his 3 quid.

    Every number that landed he would exclaim to the whole bookies ‘…. that’s my lucky number!’  (… = insert random number between 0 and 36)


    in reply to: Liverpool v Man City #76362
    centipede WANTED $36

    2 0 city.

    Only because I’m still bitter about the champions league final!!

    centipede WANTED $36

    I dont have a problem with this, and think its a good thing.

    Basically trying to nip the problem in the bud, before it gets to my/our stage.

    If you look, there is a lot of help for 26+ people already, and I guess most of it would be unavailable to anyone under 18.

    I guess having more than 2 gambling specific residential rehab centers in England would be a start. (I know this was true in 2015, unaware of any more that have opened if they have)

    in reply to: Karma comes through in a big way #75846
    centipede WANTED $36

    it sounds like this is the person who gave you the cheque

    in reply to: make the most of what you have… #75603
    centipede WANTED $36

    mocking bird might be the new vikings unleaded

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