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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $36
  • Topics Started : 4
  • Replies Created : 92

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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 92 total)
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  • in reply to: Guess the video game #81700
    centipede WANTED $36
    in reply to: Guess the video game #81699
    centipede WANTED $36

    ok, try this one

    in reply to: Guess the video game #81698
    centipede WANTED $36

    Xbobmad wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    ok, i got one

    Horace ?

    damn, too easy 😀 ok, ill get another

    in reply to: Guess the video game #81696
    centipede WANTED $36

    ok, i got one

    in reply to: sir bandit and seedy advive on pre post #78853
    centipede WANTED $36

    eejit101 wrote:

    I can help maybe. They are a legit casino, ive not heard anything bad about them. In clear words can you explain? Or can you create an ask gamblers post and i can get them to quickly look at it? As this post doesnt give all the info and im not one to do a lot of research.

    he created this thread first mate, so maybe a but more info in there as to the problem

    need advice please casino calzone

    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78081
    centipede WANTED $36

    they could be money laundering

    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78079
    centipede WANTED $36

    stony wrote:

    and dont forget to get verification off of them.,

    and source of wealth!

    need to get them to send all their bank statements

    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78075
    centipede WANTED $36

    Haz40 wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    In a nutshell, no. Legally, if a sum of money is accidentally paid into your bank or savings account and you know it doesn’t belong to you, then you must pay it back. Why you cannot keep it Keeping any money wrongly credited to your account could lead to you being charged with retaining wrongful credit’ under the Theft Act 1968.
    You could be guilty of an offence if a wrongful credit is made to your account and:

    You know the credit has been made incorrectly
    You don’t take steps to to cancel the credit


    quoted from the link

    Cost of chasing the money if the player kept it ? Letters calls administration solicitors court costs. Would they pursue trying to reclaim the money.

    yeah. I dont think going through small claims is too expensive, and doesnt the guilty party have to foot the costs of the case? Im not down with the law, so I dit really know how it works if truth be told.

    I was just pointing out that it is in fact illegal to keep it, as you say though whether they actually chase you up for that amount of money is another thing

    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78072
    centipede WANTED $36

    and just for a laugh, the link to the 4 million overpayment lol


    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78070
    centipede WANTED $36

    In a nutshell, no. Legally, if a sum of money is accidentally paid into your bank or savings account and you know it doesn’t belong to you, then you must pay it back.
    Why you cannot keep it
    Keeping any money wrongly credited to your account could lead to you being charged with retaining wrongful credit’ under the Theft Act 1968.
    You could be guilty of an offence if a wrongful credit is made to your account and:

    You know the credit has been made incorrectly
    You don’t take steps to to cancel the credit


    quoted from the link

    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78069
    centipede WANTED $36

    Nialld17 wrote:

    By law you ARE allowed to keep it.. it’s the accountant emailing you as they messed up, they will be in trouble not you..

    This isnt the case if a bank was to over pay you. I remember a few years ago a story in the newspaper about a couple who applied for a 4k loan, only to find the bank paid them 4 mill by accident. they managed to get it out and get the fuk out the country never to be seen again the last I checked!

    I also just found this link, which may apply?


    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78062
    centipede WANTED $36

    PsychicSnail wrote:

    I believe you are legally required to return the money, although I can’t find a source to reference. If it was just a tenner, then you would probably get away with it as the casino probably wouldn’t be arsed to chase it. Not the case for 1500e though.

    youre probably right.

    In my days in the bookies though ive seen people being overpaid, and once the transaction is complete and the cash has been handed even if they have realised they have made a mistake they dont ask for it back?

    I suppose its a bit different, because if the customer says you didnt over pay them, then you probably cant physically prove any amount that you gave as on CCTV it will just be visiblenotes but wouldnt be able to see how many. whereas you cant disguise it by bank transfer

    in reply to: Overpaid by an online Casino #78060
    centipede WANTED $36

    I agree with seedy that they should have at least offered you something for giving the money back to them. like a really decent deposit bonus, or at the very least 100 free spins on £1 or £2 stake.

    If they dont offer anything, I would put the 1500 on the next horse you see at Evens, if it wins pay the money back and still have 1500 for yourself, if it loses say sayonara to the casino.

    or spend the 1500 on a holiday and send the casino a selfie of you in the sun saying cheers with a beer in hand

    in reply to: Watch the deleted Sundayslots here. 11 Aug backup #77787
    centipede WANTED $36

    Green2711 wrote:

    centipede wrote:

    ReggieMac wrote:

    I downloaded this, but when i played the video its full of naked men throwing their sausages around at each other

    Are you sure you didn’t accidently alt tab to your browser? ?

    shit. thats exactly whats happened! 😀

    in reply to: Watch the deleted Sundayslots here. 11 Aug backup #77780
    centipede WANTED $36

    centipede wrote:

    ReggieMac wrote:

    I downloaded this, but when i played the video its full of naked men throwing their sausages around at each other

    only joking 😀 thanks for the download link! works great

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 92 total)