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  • in reply to: Sorry Bandit you crossed the line for me #62383
    aps31 WANTED $15

    Eightblack wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    aps31 wrote:


    This is what happens when the bandit reduces his online content. You all become a set of moaning cunts as you have nothing better to do.


    This Mr  b has got some serious issues.

    This coming from the twat who likes to tell people what site to play while on gamstop.

    Very rare for haz to get pissed off.. And he’s right with you, enabling to that degree is cunty as fuck, but your right about Mr B I’m starting to feel bad for going back at him the dudes a mess


    MR B. please spend some time reading through your responses your hypocrisy is mind-blowing if I wasnt sure you were brain fried I’d think you where a troll.. At this point please try to develop at least a shred of self awareness, how many people have to say the same thing before you realise the world ain’t the problem you are?


    If people want to gamble who are on gamstop then so what? What business is it of yours? We are all adults and if people  what to know what sites they can use then I will tell them. The bandit plays how ever he wants if people don’t like it then Tough.


    in reply to: Sorry Bandit you crossed the line for me #62246
    aps31 WANTED $15


    This is what happens when the bandit reduces his online content. You all become a set of moaning cunts as you have nothing better to do.


    This Mr  b has got some serious issues.

    in reply to: Your Favourite Gambling Tunes ▶️ #56372
    aps31 WANTED $15

    Player 1 it’s party time.


    need I say more

    in reply to: Best slots/method to beat wagering #56215
    aps31 WANTED $15


    Witout a doubt play Bonanza.

    Small bets to start with 60p then increase. To make allowed under bonus terms. If you hit three bonuses I would swap games for a bit then go back.


    The other good wagering slot is DOA but most casinos have this in the banned list for wagering.

    in reply to: Time to move on #53913
    aps31 WANTED $15


    Many put a wall of text saying you are leaving and what you have done? Just leave pal life goes on

    in reply to: extra juicy #53276
    aps31 WANTED $15


    Ha you having a slow day?

    in reply to: Temple treasures #52183
    aps31 WANTED $15



    A gamble of sorts but it is a bit different.

    bouns but is 100x

    you have a choice of 4

    15 spins+ 324 minimum megaways

    10spins + 2400 minimum megaways

    5 spins + 10000 minimum megaways


    or you can chose the mystery pick which will give you a chance to pick one of the spins plus one of the megaways so the dream is to get 15 spins with 10000 mega ways minimum for each spin.


    You get the barrel feature like on dimand mine and increasing multiple for each win

    Picutre is of free play and it was the first bonus (I know free play right lol) this was 15 spins with minimum 10k megaways

    chipmunkz got 4200x steak win which motivates me to to have a try

    in reply to: Some low rolling porn #49343
    aps31 WANTED $15
    in reply to: Help with gambling. #48985
    aps31 WANTED $15

    88fortunesmaster wrote:

    Thanks for the advice guys. I think a complete stop to gambling is in order!! If I’m being honest when I win I don’t get the buzz I use to any more!! I win an go fuck it I’ll go for another big one!! It’s just out off control. I agree bookies is a bit off fun for me and I know my limits in there too but the problem is online gambling a touch off s button an I’m 4K down it’s like wtf how did that happen and to be honest the only reason it stopped at that was because my bank refused to let anymore money out my bank until I phoned them to say it was me!! What does gam stop do ? Does it stop me personally signing up to gambling sites then? Also thanks bandit I’ll take a look at thay forum page I didn’t know there was one on here lol

    You ask what gamstop does.

    When you join they will ask you for your details. Name, address, postcode. Dob, email adress etc. This goes in there data base and circulated to all casinos registered with them.all uk casinos had to be registered with them by the end of last year but there are a few dragging there feet so that date as been pushed back to June this year I think. Within 24 hours all casinos you are currently a member of will have blocked you from logging and will not send you any marketing emails. Any money you have in these acounts will be put back into your bank. And you will be unable to join any new casinos as the data you proved to gamstop is the same data you need to join casinos. People are joing casinos while they are registered with gamstop by changing bits of there name but this will cause issues when withdrawing etc so it’s a bit pointless. It won’t stop you getting a friend or family member to sing up as some people are doing this and transferring them the money so if you think that I something you would do maybe ask them to join to as it’s free and really easy. The link to gamstop is in my earlier post.

    in reply to: Help with gambling. #48970
    aps31 WANTED $15




    Join gamstop this will ban you from all casinos for a period of time of your choosing. 6 months.1 year or 5 years. Currently only a couple of casinos you can join while under game stop and these two are a bit hit and miss if you can sing up to them. Obviously won’t stop you going into bookies or real casinos but it sounds like your issue is online.


    i wouldn’t try GA as it just made me want to gamble when I listened to other people’s storys. And to be fair most of them are a bit depressing a bit like this forum as become but I think that will be down to the lack of the videos from the bandit(not a criticism just an observation)

    in reply to: Choking for a slot session #46788
    aps31 WANTED $15

    Robbie410084 wrote:

    Green2711 wrote:

    aps31 wrote:

    Green2711 wrote:

    aps31 wrote:

    I didn’t suggest any site or give him details. In my post. If he wants the details by all means I will gladly share it with him.

    Everyone got triggered and started virtue signaling. People need to man the fuck up and stop crying at every little post they don’t like.

    i have been on this site longer then most of you and recently anyone who says somthing that is a bit controversial (in other people’s opinion) is shot down. People are different have have different veiws on stuff. Is a guy is choking for a season and he puts it on here some will tel him not to because they want to get some likes on thier profile,I on the other hand will tell where he can gamble . Both different options yet mine is a disgrace. Tell you  what you look yours and will look after mine I won’t judge any of you for what you post on here let’s see if you lot can keep your quivering lip in line and do the same .

    Hey mate, I’m not crying and I’m not as nice as Haz. I’ve just straight up called you a gobshite, that’s my opinion and according to you I’m allowed to have it and I’m sure being called such a thing is nothing new to you. You really can’t be so dense as to why you’ve got the responses you have to make it easier for you to understand it’s like walking into an AA meeting and someone says “I’m dying for a drink” and you pull out a can of Strongbow and say “here ya go buddy!”.

    I’ll stop replying now because I’m clearly fishing for likes, what my life would be if that bounty didn’t rise. Wow.

    Ha, see you do understand(it just takes you a bit longer for it to sink in) you are totally right to your option the same as I am to mine. Doesn’t make either of us right.

    i wouldn’t pull out a strongbow it is like piss but as I have stated to the last guy if someone wanted to go get pissed I would prob judge it on how fun that person was on a night out.

    Well that response doesn’t surprise me, it’s fine then for your mate or family member to ruin their life as long as they are a laugh and you have a good time. If only I had more friends like you.

    I think what everyone is saying is it’s fine to post what you want on here, but its just a bit fucked up doing it on a thread like this where people will become tempted and search about for these so called casinos. Not hating on you just my personal opinion.


    People do not need these casinos to gamble. Nothing is stopping them getting a relative or friend to sign up for them and jsut transferring the money. That is my point nothing posted on here will stop an addict from doing it. They need to want to do it for themselves. I am sure people will come on and say oooo it’s helped me but in my opinion that’s just bull shit. They stopped because they had the strength to do it. The rest of us are just weak.

    in reply to: Choking for a slot session #46783
    aps31 WANTED $15

    Green2711 wrote:

    aps31 wrote:

    Green2711 wrote:

    aps31 wrote:

    I didn’t suggest any site or give him details. In my post. If he wants the details by all means I will gladly share it with him.

    Everyone got triggered and started virtue signaling. People need to man the fuck up and stop crying at every little post they don’t like.

    i have been on this site longer then most of you and recently anyone who says somthing that is a bit controversial (in other people’s opinion) is shot down. People are different have have different veiws on stuff. Is a guy is choking for a season and he puts it on here some will tel him not to because they want to get some likes on thier profile,I on the other hand will tell where he can gamble . Both different options yet mine is a disgrace. Tell you  what you look yours and will look after mine I won’t judge any of you for what you post on here let’s see if you lot can keep your quivering lip in line and do the same .

    Hey mate, I’m not crying and I’m not as nice as Haz. I’ve just straight up called you a gobshite, that’s my opinion and according to you I’m allowed to have it and I’m sure being called such a thing is nothing new to you. You really can’t be so dense as to why you’ve got the responses you have to make it easier for you to understand it’s like walking into an AA meeting and someone says “I’m dying for a drink” and you pull out a can of Strongbow and say “here ya go buddy!”.

    I’ll stop replying now because I’m clearly fishing for likes, what my life would be if that bounty didn’t rise. Wow.

    Ha, see you do understand(it just takes you a bit longer for it to sink in) you are totally right to your option the same as I am to mine. Doesn’t make either of us right.

    i wouldn’t pull out a strongbow it is like piss but as I have stated to the last guy if someone wanted to go get pissed I would prob judge it on how fun that person was on a night out.

    Well that response doesn’t surprise me, it’s fine then for your mate or family member to ruin their life as long as they are a laugh and you have a good time. If only I had more friends like you.

    Could have sworn you said you was going to stop replying!


    Treating people bloke victims can cause the same amount of harm. Let’s get back on topic. The guy has a gambling problem. He wants to gamble I said he could he wanted to if he chooses not to that’s his choice the same as if he chose to go and gamble. Surly haveing a licensed casino would be better then him trawling the internet for shady ones? Please don’t take that as I am trying to help him as it’s not business what he does it was a simple suggestion saying that he could still gamble if that’s what he wanted to do.


    My family do do very well out out of me I don’t think they have any complaints but I will ask them and send you the feed back for your approval if you want?

    in reply to: Choking for a slot session #46781
    aps31 WANTED $15

    Green2711 wrote:

    aps31 wrote:

    I didn’t suggest any site or give him details. In my post. If he wants the details by all means I will gladly share it with him.

    Everyone got triggered and started virtue signaling. People need to man the fuck up and stop crying at every little post they don’t like.

    i have been on this site longer then most of you and recently anyone who says somthing that is a bit controversial (in other people’s opinion) is shot down. People are different have have different veiws on stuff. Is a guy is choking for a season and he puts it on here some will tel him not to because they want to get some likes on thier profile,I on the other hand will tell where he can gamble . Both different options yet mine is a disgrace. Tell you  what you look yours and will look after mine I won’t judge any of you for what you post on here let’s see if you lot can keep your quivering lip in line and do the same .

    Hey mate, I’m not crying and I’m not as nice as Haz. I’ve just straight up called you a gobshite, that’s my opinion and according to you I’m allowed to have it and I’m sure being called such a thing is nothing new to you. You really can’t be so dense as to why you’ve got the responses you have to make it easier for you to understand it’s like walking into an AA meeting and someone says “I’m dying for a drink” and you pull out a can of Strongbow and say “here ya go buddy!”.

    I’ll stop replying now because I’m clearly fishing for likes, what my life would be if that bounty didn’t rise. Wow.

    Ha, see you do understand(it just takes you a bit longer for it to sink in) you are totally right to your option the same as I am to mine. Doesn’t make either of us right.

    i wouldn’t pull out a strongbow it is like piss but as I have stated to the last guy if someone wanted to go get pissed I would prob judge it on how fun that person was on a night out.

    in reply to: Choking for a slot session #46780
    aps31 WANTED $15

    Haz40 wrote:

    I will give you an example. Supposing someone you knew, a friend, family member has a drinking problem. They have barred themselves from their local village pub and say to you ” you know what I’m dying for a drink ” what do you reply with? Either one ” you’ll get through it mate. You’ll be glad tomorrow tomorrow you didn’t have a drink.” Or ” Right you want a drink I know where you can get one from ” Which do you think is the best reply? I’m not saying blacko has a gambling problem but he’s old and wise enough to know how is mind works and what steps he needs to take to prevent the situation getting out of hand.


    Well that depends on which family member m. If it was one of my cousins who in all honest are very dull when they go out I would probably chose the we will get through this just stay strong option. If it was one of my brothers who in all honesty are funny as fuck when they are drunk I would probably say give me five I am coming  with you. Like I said everyone is different.



    in reply to: Choking for a slot session #46775
    aps31 WANTED $15


    Ha fair point about the time but you may have mis understood what I was trying to say. I was trying to point out that the forum is a lot different now to back then. More upset people are sucking the fun out of it.


    It wasnt wise in your opinion is what you meant to say. A blanket it is not wise is making you look a bit arrogant.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 108 total)