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  • Wanted Reward: $8
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  • in reply to: FOBt restrictions opinions? #37150
    2112jsm WANTED $8

    My best friend is a manager in a bookies. He’s told me that on certain versions of roulette the customer’s balance will be updated on their monitor behind the counter as soon as the punter has hit the spin button. So they can tell if it’s been a winning or losing spin before the machine has shown the animation of the ball landing on a number. The staff CAN’T determine the outcome of any spin, it IS random and fair.

    I’ve had conversations with him in the past along the lines of, “you must want them all to lose?” and actually it’s the opposite. Staff in bookmakers are on very low pay and one of the few perks they sometimes get is the odd tip off of a winning punter. People tend not to tip when they lose!

    in reply to: Where did it start? #37066
    2112jsm WANTED $8

    Good to hear that the occasional machine is still beatable. Such a feeling walking up to a fruit machine knowing you’re going to take every coin (is it note now? not played them for years!) out of it.

    I broke my wrist on Christmas Eve so I’m off work right now, meaning I’ve been able to catch up on loads of your old videos and enjoy reading the forum posts.

    On a lot of your old videos it seemed like Fruit Warp was your go to slot? Reelking has  definitely changed that!

    in reply to: Where did it start? #37038
    2112jsm WANTED $8

    The Bandit wrote:

    2112jsm wrote:

    Out of interest, Bandit, what was the fruit machine that you lost the £650 in?

    It was an Empire Strikes Back – it was a repeat worker if you are that way inclined. In fact, once i had been made aware, i made £700 on it the next time i went to that holiday park lol

    I was a kinda semi-pro machine player back in the £10,£15,£25 jackpot days. Bought/traded the odd trick here and there, found out other stuff online, and worked out other things by myself.

    For various different reasons-getting barred from arcades+pubs, receiving threats from other pros, and meeting and settling down with my missus- I left that part of my life behind and got a normal job.

    I’ve been made aware of tricks/emptiers for £35,£70,£100 jackpot machines, even the odd club machine too but always months too late, unfortunately!

    Is it something you’re still involved in? Are you using any methods on today’s machines?

    I’m not looking for any tricks or even the names of any machines, just interested if there’s still pro fruit machine players out there.

    in reply to: Where did it start? #37012
    2112jsm WANTED $8

    Out of interest, Bandit, what was the fruit machine that you lost the £650 in?

    in reply to: Anyone have a Fruit Machine in their house? #36217
    2112jsm WANTED $8

    Only machine I ever owned was an Ace Caesar’s Palace. I bought it back in the day to practice Roman Reels. Those of a certain age will remember what I’m talking about!

    Sadly, my flat got broken into and they wrecked the machine to get to it’s cash box.

    I’d love to play it again, awesome machine!

    On another note, I broke my wrist on Christmas Eve so I’ve loads of time on my hands as I’m off work. Been spending it productively by watching old Bandit videos!

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