YouTube strikes again

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  • #69374
    awesomex WANTED $136

    Oldmoon wrote:

    Pretty sure dazzas own website is called he is a affiliate whore the amount of sites he promotes.he had all his videos removed a good few months back as well,there is a video of him doing a interview about it in a darkened room so not to reveal his identity(twat).hes obviously entrenched deep into the online slotting world to be able to test all the new games before they are officially released.he seems to have his tongue firmly jammed up btg ceo ass as well.

    Or maybe he just pretends, while using sites like this one:

    thatfamousjimmy WANTED $23

    awesomex wrote:

    Oldmoon wrote:

    Pretty sure dazzas own website is called he is a affiliate whore the amount of sites he promotes.he had all his videos removed a good few months back as well,there is a video of him doing a interview about it in a darkened room so not to reveal his identity(twat).hes obviously entrenched deep into the online slotting world to be able to test all the new games before they are officially released.he seems to have his tongue firmly jammed up btg ceo ass as well.

    Or maybe he just pretends, while using sites like this one:

    WOW that’s opened my eyes, don’t even need to log in and looks legit like you are playing real funds!!!!! :O

    Sal139 WANTED $29

    It seems to me like all his bonanza videos have gone from his YT?

    Scrolled about 6 months through and can only find one which starts about 9 mins in. The megaways to start was like 430…


    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Okay so Dazza’s explanations are plausible, but I think still dishonest on at least some level. I mean, even if I accept at face value “sometimes I play spins on low stakes to round the balance before I start a video”, he still often creates the intentional impression that we are watching entire sessions from the very first spin.

    awesomex WANTED $136

    argyl53 wrote:

    Okay so Dazza’s explanations are plausible, but I think still dishonest on at least some level. I mean, even if I accept at face value “sometimes I play spins on low stakes to round the balance before I start a video”, he still often creates the intentional impression that we are watching entire sessions from the very first spin.

    According to Jake who checked his videos, Dazza never actually had the normal starting point on his videos in regards to the megaways. I just don’t find that part plausible – that he always had some low stake spins before to get the balance to exactly 200. Like if you play 20p stake to get rid of some small crap, its bonanza – 50% of the times your 20p will turn into 6p or something stupid that can’t be cleared without going to another game to do it to get an even 200.00

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