YouTube Banning Casino Live Streams

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  • #7210
    JGSlots WANTED $12

    Have noticed it’s been mentioned on a few sites like CG and CM that a few streamers have been getting banned/sanctions for live streaming on YouTube.


    Its not not clear as to why YouTube are doing this, does anyone have any more information on this?


    I read it was something to do with Affiliate links and traffic being driven away from YouTube, but I think this is just speculation.


    Nicola on CM had a great idea of making a website where all Casino streamers could stream without the fear of being banned, maybe we might see this next?


    I personally think it could be YouTube being overly cautious with the tightening of the UKGC compliance, who knows?


    Rob 🙂

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Not Just UKGC compliance. MGA is also changing its laws on July 1st, and Sweden is next to regulate in December this year.


    Overall its a good time to be headed to the grey market!

    Rocky666 WANTED $1

    eejit101 wrote:

    Not Just UKGC compliance. MGA is also changing its laws on July 1st, and Sweden is next to regulate in December this year.


    Overall its a good time to be headed to the grey market!

    Are you ever going to start streaming again scouse lad

    Rocky666 WANTED $1

    Oh crap, meant to quote Robs post there

    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    It looks like the casino streams are back on YT now, for how long it lasts I dont know

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