Wild Swarm Max Hive

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  • #12261
    BenC19 WANTED $1

    After seeing a reply on twitter The Bandit made yesterday, I was of the belief that if play Wild Swarm on 20p stake and max out the hive, you can then up the stake and the max hive feature will trigger on the higher stake amount.

    As any sensible person would do, before depositing an ungodly amount to try this, I tested the theory on free play using Casumo. I was able to achieve max hive on 20p stakes (after well over 1500 spins) with an overall profit of £50.

    Then, I upped the stake to a reasonable £2 to see if the theory was true. 1005 spins and -£450 later, still no max hive feature?!

    Has anybody tried this and what is your profit/loss when doing so? Eager to hear if this could be a money printer!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Did you happen to read all my replies on said subject mate…. particularly the part where it had taken me 137 bees to activate the hive once the Max Hive status had been achieved? That was way way way more than 1000 spins btw! A friend of mine tried it on freeplay by the way and the full hive never triggered, it is possible the game has some sort of problem in freeplay mode lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    To answer your question in regards as to whether it could be a money printer…. originally i did very well on it and got myself to a healthy position and then came the ridiculous waits for the Hive to be triggered, i had 94 bees, 110 bees, 125 bees and worst of all 137 bees as i said above, the costs involved in these cycles were astronomical but i plodded on because overall i was in a good position. Sometimes the long waits were accompanied by terrible swarms, i am talking 50x so that was a double whammy of disaster lol


    My verdict is it was once very good but may now have been patched to take into account the small stake build up and play out accordingly, saying that, i have still managed first bee triggers and the swarm i had on a recent video actually triggered on the 4th bee so yes, it can still pay but yes it can also be a dangerous little bastard! Ask Seedy!

    BenC19 WANTED $1

    Ah you see I completely misread that reply on Twitter then! I read that as 137 spins to get the wild swarm as opposed to 137 bees! That makes more sense?

    What’s the latest on money printers? Have we anything which seems to be constantly profiting at the minute?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    I’m loving Magic Mirror at the moment to be honest but we all know, that one can be feral for a bonus, just getting lucky with hitting it i guess. Sods law being i had my best ever £5 stake bonus on it 2 weeks or so ago whilst lay on the bed using the laptop so no bloody footage, it retriggered 5 times for 60 spins and went for £5,660 i think it was! Let me dig out a picture!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Here it is…



    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    This was my best Swarm – in money terms –



    It was on £20 stake and triggered on the 4th bee which was awesome….. the 137 bee debacle was also on £20 and the loss was bigger than that win!

    BenC19 WANTED $1

    Fucking hell! I bet Mrs Bandit had a field day at Asda after that one! Maybe she even upgraded to Waitrose?!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    BenC19 wrote:

    Fucking hell! I bet Mrs Bandit had a field day at Asda after that one! Maybe she even upgraded to Waitrose?!

    I’m sure she will have knocked out a couple of metres of Asda receipts lol!

    Spekz2018 WANTED $16

    After watching bandits win I like yourself was going to give it a go deposited a hundred and thought pound a spin stick it on autoplay see what happens anyway 50 auto s into it it drops in its first chest not actually paying much attention I thought I had pick up the hive for level up! In stead it was the wild swarm fully upgraded gave me the usual ten three spins nearly filled up the whole screen with wild with 3 spins to go ended up going for £1347. Cannot believe how lucky I was with it. Probably never play the game again now ☺️

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    The Bandit wrote:

    To answer your question in regards as to whether it could be a money printer…. originally i did very well on it and got myself to a healthy position and then came the ridiculous waits for the Hive to be triggered, i had 94 bees, 110 bees, 125 bees and worst of all 137 bees as i said above, the costs involved in these cycles were astronomical but i plodded on because overall i was in a good position. Sometimes the long waits were accompanied by terrible swarms, i am talking 50x so that was a double whammy of disaster lol


    My verdict is it was once very good but may now have been patched to take into account the small stake build up and play out accordingly, saying that, i have still managed first bee triggers and the swarm i had on a recent video actually triggered on the 4th bee so yes, it can still pay but yes it can also be a dangerous little bastard! Ask Seedy!

    Currently about £800 down chasing the hive so it can be a right twat to get it also had 78 bees now lol. So as Bandit says can be very dangerous but it can also do it first be I suppose it depends if you have a lucky horseshoe around your neck attached to a rabbit’s foot and your shiting four-leaf clovers for fun 🙂 Like a certain knob I know #suckmyballsbandit 🙂

    Reelsoffun WANTED $3

    As others have said this is a dangerous game and your only ever likely to have a big hit early if you dont you will be toast, I would strongly recommend the average player give this game a miss TBH. This game is gonna sting a lot of players!

    I don’t play these type of “progressive” games they are all designed to get you to a point of no return, be careful peeps.

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