When your forum post or video comment doesn’t show..

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  • #26634
    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Just a quick one, when your forum post or video comment doesn’t show straight away, it just means it has gone to the back end of the site awaiting approval – this has been put in place to prevent the boat loads of spam we were getting a few months ago and is nothing personal to anyone involved at all – you don’t need to resubmit your post again and again. If it hasn’t been ok’d immediately it just means that either myself or Dave (Seedy) aren’t sat at our computers refreshing the pending topics/replies/comments section – i am probably just watching tele or something, i can’t sit there refreshing all night can i. I will get to it and it will be published.

    Macca290682 WANTED $4

    Just a massive thank you to you lad, I hit rock bottom a few months ago lost my job my daughter fell ill everything went tits up. Your videos as daft as it sounds was one of the only things that brought me a little peace from the outside world. I’m not a big gambler as if I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all. Cheers pal. Macca.

    Carl Barker69 WANTED $4

    Post test for Carl πŸ˜€

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Carl Barker69 wrote:

    Post test for Carl ?

    Hi mate, i did a post test for you and it seems to go through fine – can you try and post yourself underneath this one and see what happens?

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    The majority of the time this happens to me when ive been idle on the site then try replying to a new post to then release its logged me out! Get those whips cracking bandit lad, nah seedy and spider are doing a sound job ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Yeah this also happens to me lol I will see if we can increase the time it takes to auto log you guys out, perhaps extend it to 30 minutes of non activity, i think currently it may just be a little bit short, like 5 minutes or something, i will get it looked in to πŸ˜€

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Yea that’ll be better. As for everything else els, its looking pretty tiptop around here πŸ™‚

    Cheers bandito!

    Spidermint WANTED $100

    @quazzi if you could let me know what device/browser you are using that would help me get to the bottom of this.

    Use the contact form if you don’t want that to be public.

    Mcmatty1987 WANTED $2

    Bandit I sent you a pm on twitter please take your time to read it it would mean a lot if you could thanks in advance and keep up your amazing videos

    Jezstar WANTED $1

    Sorry I can’t suss out how to start a new thread but the issue you had with kong on the latest video is very similar to the issues I had yesterday. Any of the blueprint games I played yesterday would not play true, when you spin and when one of the side features were due to start e. F the phone would ring on top cat or ted would stand up or the ufo would come down on mars attacks the reels would just spin as if the feature would start but never did. I feel it basically fiddled me at least fifty times, Β£200 + times on all blueprint games!. Would be really interesting to find out if anyone else had the same thing yesterday….

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