What’s this all about?

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  • #128863
    Welshskipper WANTED $2

    https://i.ibb.co/KxJ3Hmh/9892-ECF4-6630-4-D27-8-C77-87-EA38-FA3-E26.png[/img]” alt=””]

    Evening all

    Anyone care to shed some light on this or know what it is? Was watching a streamer play slots when they accidentally clicked off the screen and had a panicked look on their face and quickly clicked it back off, Some coding or java script that Has sentences like “startfreespins” “loadfreespins” etc.. looks a little suspicious or is it something innocent?




    Welshskipper WANTED $2

    guess i failed at uploading the images 😂 but if you click the two empty boxes under my text above you can see them

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