What would influence more.

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Seedy wrote:

    Who just said my eyebrows where not attached to my head hmmmm….

    Aw seedy you do get some stick on here?. Good job you’ve got a great sense of humour. ?

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    So other than stake size would you say you are influenced in the games you might play from wins you have seen by others? I wonder how many chased a big win on primal after that guys huge win.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Malkychamp wrote:

    So other than stake size would you say you are influenced in the games you might play from wins you have seen by others? I wonder how many chased a big win on primal after that guys huge win.

    I would yeah, everytime I’ve tried a game I’ve not seen it ends up battering me lol like all the play n go games you never see streamers play, they’re shit ?

    i did have a go on primal after seeing nick slots and I got a 150x bonus so I feel it was a success lol

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Malkychamp wrote:

    So other than stake size would you say you are influenced in the games you might play from wins you have seen by others? I wonder how many chased a big win on primal after that guys huge win.

    That’s my point. I think more people are influenced by those wins rather than steve hitting reel king tops. Me personally neither influence myself but I’d like to think thats cos I’m too experienced to let it but younger gamblers see that 27k win and 12k win and could easily do their balls in on that game chasing a similar win.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Had you played primal before that though eightblack or only because you seen that? When i have bonus that doesn’t have to be on a certain slot i always end up going to the new games section and go through them see if any of them can entertain me lol. Must admit i am guilty of playing alot of games i see others play

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Fucking McDonald’s running adverts of the Big Mac… It only influenced me to eat them everyday and now I’m 25 stone and looking down at my junk.. Its like a mushroom poking out of a rainforest. Is there any lawyers on the forums as I’m trying to set up a case against them as its clearly there fault I’m at this weight for running those bloody adverts!

    Also can anyone suggest a good brand of trimmers?

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Haz40 wrote:

    If your a gambler and can be sometimes influenced by others. My question is simple which would influence more. 1 seeing a streamer hit 27k on a £5 stake. Another streamer hitting 12k of a £3 stake or seeing a streamer hit a wild line on dead of alive. Or 2 watching someone deposit 105k playing a game at £40 a spin. Nick slots and hypalinx hit the 27k and 12k and how many people have tried to replicate them wins since. Even the bandit had a bash on the same game after the nick slots win. Lower stakes means more realistic stakes. A bet size we can relate to. I certainly know which one would influence me more. What about you ?

    To be honest, none of these would influence me to gamble on the slots.   The bandit stakes are insane and based on a huge financial resource, so thats me out.  I watched RockNRolla chase a wildline on 6 successive hour long videos once, so that outs.  I wouldn’t trust Nickslots as far as I could throw him.    Hypalinx is probably the most honest streamer out there, and frequently shows that he has lost £10k or more in a month, and over £30k a year.

    So if the answer were who influences me the most, it would be Hypa, he is genuine, honest, doesn’t push affiliation at all and shows the true side of gambling, the ups and downs and the depression it has brought him.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    If I had a million in the bank, I still wouldn’t stick £105k in Reel King chasing a top. I guess because playing the way he does has worked out so well for Steve and because we’re all so used to seeing him go tens of thousands in and then make a miraculous recovery to profit, it’s easy to become disconnected as a viewer from how big that risk really is. Even with his money and profit levels, it takes some serious balls to risk the kind of cash The Bandit does. It would only take a few bad sessions with no top (or even only a couple of tops after going balls deep) to completely kill his cash reserves.

    I would need to have literally about a hundred million in the bank to feel comfortable risking £20k I could collect on a double or nothing press of a button, so I can safely I wouldn’t be influenced in the least.

    I don’t even enjoy the high stake Reel King vids, it’s on a totally different level to the stakes I can relate to. I’m all about the hour of bonuses at £2 – I would say I was influenced by The Bandit a long time ago, but you’re talking influenced in a “I’m going to try a bit of Wonky at £1.80 for a few spins in case I get lucky and hit 3 wilds” kind of way.

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