What should Mr Bandit buy next?

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  • #43452
    pritmist WANTED $18

    So I don’t think there is already a thread about this, but I’m sure most of you have followed the Reel King journey since the start of the year. It’s had its ups and downs, but is seriously on the UP and to save from losing, as Steve suggested, he needs to spend the cash to make sure it becomes a detterent from losing.

    Anyway, just thought I’d gather some thoughts to see what would you spend it on or suggest Steve spends his “hard earned” cash on???

    Few of my suggestions:

    – Buy a really nice watch, something that becomes a hand me down –> Patek Phillipe, Audemars Piguet, Rolex, etc

    – Buy a property abroad as a holiday home

    – Get the little man a property for the future, or have it as a buy to let for now –> Keeps the income rolling in i suppose

    – Invest in stock market — still like gambling, but different right

    Anyway, sure, there’s gonna be loads of ideas coming out from this, so will be an interesting read.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I think a second property for sure! Can generate great income and it remains there as a valuable asset for the future.

    I’d probably suggest steering clear of shares direct and going towards funds if going down that route. Risk distributed out a bit more but can still yield some healthy profits!

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Watches can be a nightmare mate – i have a few nice ones at home but the bigges expense after buying them is the service costs. One of mine comes in at £260 a year just for the basic service, a full service is ridiculous. My car is cheaper lol

    scottj130208 WANTED $22

    my advice would be invest some in gold as the prices always go yp nice little nest egg for the family 

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Hire out a pub with a free bar and nibbles for a get together!



    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    You could always start your own casino. You could have a reel king throne built to sit on and look out at everyone spending their money

    marko WANTED $8

    Invest in online casino stocks. LoL

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Buying outright i’d definitely say property, if house prices rise or drop if it’s pure profit and no mortgage it really doesn’t matter and will provide an extra income for the future ?

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    Nothing.. I think Steve should get a savings account either in his little ones name or his own and let the money that he earns sit in and gain interest. It’s safe, there is no risk of it losing value and if the amount was big enough, then the interest alone would be a nice investment!

    Whatever he chooses to do I hope he and his family are happy!

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Invest in a new mouse, the one he uses now must be battered  🙂

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    The finest most expensive best tasting bottle of rum in the world. Sit back savour and enjoy.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    “This topic has been reported for inappropriate content” – can’t see why.

    He needs to invest in buying my next car LMAO

    Property, to rent out and enjoy the toils of being a landlord, because everyone out there is a great tenant. LO……….L

    pritmist WANTED $18

    Why or who has reported this topic for inappropriate content?? Anyone have an idea @seedy @thebandit?

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    A nice house in a seaside town for some good times away with the family sounds good, could rent it out for the holidays that your not there, Airbnb it ?

    Malkychamp WANTED $485

    I would recommend putting it into a nigerian bank so maybe one it may be offered to me via email

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