Videos ????

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  • #19739
    shaundolphin WANTED $2

    Is it just me or have ALL the Slot Videos Gone ??!!

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    I’m guessing you don’t follow the forum

    Every video has gone.

    Keep looking at the forum for details about them coming back soon

    shaundolphin WANTED $2

    I try to mate but can’t see anywhere where it says about videos being removed.

    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    shaundolphin wrote:

    I try to mate but can’t see anywhere where it says about videos being removed.

    Hey Matey,

    I’m sure Bandit will be back soon, Youtube couldn’t keep him down and Vimeo won’t either! I think alternatives are being looked at, it’s not a simple fix because of the amount of hits Bandit’s video gets all at once.

    If Bandit’s webby person spots this, it might be worth a little note on the homepage about the Technical Difficulties outside of Bandit’s control.

    The best thing to do is keep an eye on Bandit’s Twitter, it’s in a box at the bottom left of each page on the site. There is always a link at the top of each forum page to the latest video as well, so keep an eye out for that changing. The 23rd that’s currently there isn’t a live video anymore.

    Basically what Kingpab said above, with a touch more detail 🙂


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