toothache nhs a joke

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  • #61874
    benq99 WANTED $229

    i only gamble £20 a week and have stuck with that last 4 if i stop i should have enough money in like 2 years to go private that will be enough for check up lol

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    benq99 wrote:

    i only gamble £20 a week and have stuck with that last 4 if i stop i should have enough money in like 2 years to go private that will be enough for check up lol

    I had a 5 tooth veneer bridge done, 4 extractions, and root canal done for 2.5k 2 years ago.

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Oil of cloves toothache tincture from any chemist  a bit smelly but does the trick in the short term

Viewing 3 posts - 16 through 18 (of 18 total)