Todays Video – 5/9/18 – Blueprints!

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    Mondayblues23 WANTED $41

    Suffered many a frustrating session on those fuckers, felt every bit of shit luck that you had as I’ve experienced the same on countless occasions. Try my best to avoid them now as they have skinned me over time – Top Cat was particularly brutal to you.

    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    I hate playing Blueprints, I hate watching Blueprints. I hate their soundtracks, I hate the way they look, I hate their unoriginality, I hate how they re-skin the same slots and shuffle around the same predictable bonuses. I hate how often they tease, I hate the themes they choose for their slots, I hate their lack of potential. I hate how little the symbols pay (140x with 4 wild reels on Top Cat – really?!!), and sorry to say I hate Bandit’s videos when it’s a Blueprint fest.

    I wouldn’t piss on a Blueprint if it was on fire.

    I hate them.

    As you were.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Yeah i don’t feel the need for a binge that often but they’re still big requested games so i will sometimes knock out a few of them, their RTP’s aren’t really the best, especially when that JPK is active on them – Frankie was good to me though, caught a few 100 quidders for once haha

    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Yeah those Blueprints are alright, the higher variance ones like Frankie and Horus. But the likes of Duckula, Top Cat, King Kong Cash, Wild Antics etc are just slot AIDS.

    Scrooge WANTED $5

    It was a robbery ! this session, wow they needed some money i guess.

    Next time more luck for you !


    (At least you caught some FISH FISH ! WHERE ARE’YA FISH ! hahahaha)

    Jamessmith191 WANTED $1

    Bandit i dont know how to get in touch but id like to speak to you about gamban and how its easily passable. Sorry i dont get twitter


    Hope your well mate, take care

    Anonymous WANTED $55

    Jamessmith191 wrote:

    Bandit i dont know how to get in touch but id like to speak to you about gamban and how its easily passable. Sorry i dont get twitter


    Hope your well mate, take care

    Gamban is next to useless.  I really wanted it to work I even spoke to gamban support at lengths but They always say the same thing, “The next update will sort it out”  but it never does.   all you need to do is type bypass Gamban in google and 30 secs later it’s disabled.  I find gamstop is the way to go.

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Gamban on android is so easy to bypass I used to turn it on and off. Now it’s permanently off coz I deleted it when I was drunk. Just to see the lottery numbers lol. Waste of a tenner. Get with gamstop. Best way

    Anonymous WANTED $55

    Kingpab wrote:

    Gamban on android is so easy to bypass I used to turn it on and off. Now it’s permanently off coz I deleted it when I was drunk. Just to see the lottery numbers lol. Waste of a tenner. Get with gamstop. Best way

    According to Gamban, you cant delete it ?

    I wasted £80 putting it on all my devices.

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