Thought id give this bonus video thing a go

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  • #102413
    JustBigDean WANTED $2

    So i decided id start recording and uploading some slot session videos.

    Id really appreciate it if some of you could pop over and give it a watch and let me no how i can improve things.

    Ive got a few more videos scheduled to go up soon such as £150 vs KingMaker and £150 vs WildSwarm.

    Id appreciate any and all comments.

    Many thanks


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    JustBigDean wrote:

    So i decided id start recording and uploading some slot session videos.

    Id really appreciate it if some of you could pop over and give it a watch and let me no how i can improve things.

    Ive got a few more videos scheduled to go up soon such as £150 vs KingMaker and £150 vs WildSwarm.

    Id appreciate any and all comments.

    Many thanks D


    It was tidy mate, keep it original, be your self, use your own style and stay away from other people’s styles ( not that you did )  and I’m sure you’ll have a good crack at the game.. Yeah tidy darts lad  ?

    JustBigDean WANTED $2

    Thanks allot mate.

    Ye i’m going to mix things up a bit and just do the stuff i enjoy.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Yeah deffo, the others who come along and ” borrow” from other streamers styles and such end up bollocking it up and getting hate for it rather than just playing there own sessions their own way and letting us watch ( bandit said it many times it’s my game you’re just watching over my shoulder  ) but good luck, we need a few more down to earth players to get hooked into …

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Watched about half but had to get back to work. I think you’ve done a good job with it, definitely better than most others I’ve seen ?

    Keep it up, and I agree with Seyah, just be yourself and let the narrative flow naturally.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Also I’m a fellow Midlander! You sound a lot like someone I used to work with.

    JustBigDean WANTED $2

    Thanks allot mate

    Figo7787 WANTED $2

    Good effort, enjoyed that. I’ve been seriously thinking about starting to upload my own sessions for a while now but haven’t been brave enough yet so nice to see you taking the plunge. Just keep playing your way and if people enjoy watching then its an added bonus?

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Very good but I’d stick to maybe 40-50 spins max then move on . The video was taken up too much of ted

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Figo7787 wrote:

    Good effort, enjoyed that. I’ve been seriously thinking about starting to upload my own sessions for a while now but haven’t been brave enough yet so nice to see you taking the plunge. Just keep playing your way and if people enjoy watching then its an added bonus?

    Give it a crack, what’s the worst that can happen?  People say you’re shite or boring? you’ll get that  from some anyway, comes with the territory, but I’m sure you’ll get an overwhelming positive feedback on your first attempt, or at least constructive criticism….. But at least you tried…

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