The Start To A Brighter Future

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  • #58090
    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    lisalighten wrote:

    ive got to beat them for my 6 month old little girl, and yer the apps great gives me a little motavational quote every morning. i was just getting my hair cut and there was a bookies across the road and i was sweating to go in, then i looked at your replys and it gave me a kick to walk past

    Keep it going – just to put it into perspective, i have that same weakness, walked into the bookies the other day and lost a couple of hundred quid in 5 minutes, but I walked out with some left purely because I thought only 3 days to go, I’m hanging on to my cash.   In the past I would have carried out just knowing my number would come in (which it doesnt) – but my point is that’s how fast it will eat your money, although I suspect you already know.

    Keep that app going, keep that money in your pocket and think how much more fun it is buying shit for your little girl and seeing her face light up

    lisalighten WANTED $10

    i think the second week will be the toughest as it was payday today, gonna keep focused and try hard

    GIRTH32 WANTED $16

    Well done for doing that I have been clean for about 2 months and got paid today and had about 90 quid left in my pocket so went in William hill and did football bet had 70 quid leftthought just have one last go on roulette before it goes and thought could control myself but no lose that go to cash machine get 150 out that’s my maximum for day lose that in 5 minutes then deposit another 450 over counter like a dickhead I am and walk out feeling like shit and a massive failure left with 50 quid till next Friday now , took 5 minutes for the fucking fobts to grip me again cant wait for Monday for them to go bet fuck cant bet online anymore don’t think I have ever felt so low as I do right now just lying hear thinking what do I do that for

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