The curse of winning

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  • #59453
    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Thanks to this forum and plenty of will power my gambling are significantly reduced in the last few months. I’m massively enjoying a flutter at the minute stress free with lowish stakes. Albeit yesterday nearly got too involved but didn’t in the end. So the last couple of weeks I’m maybe about £250 up. Obviously not life changing but nice to win for a change. Problem is everytime i win i receive an unexpected bill. I swear its a curse. £120 up the other day and came home to an accountant’s bill for £168. This week about £130 up so yesterday at dentist and i have a tooth fracture so £150 bill when it’s done. Even 2 weeks ago £100 up and lawnmower packs up. I swear if i won say £500 then following day washing machine would pack up or something would go wrong with the missus car.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Glad to hear your enjoying a small flutter every now and again Haz, just be careful though because it’s so easy to go from playing small ball to going out of control.

    It sure does blow that these expenses happen but on the bright side you’ve paid them off with winnings with your wages untouched ^^.

    Hope you keep picking those winners matey and go in the TGC comp!

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Could be worse mate could of got the unexpected bills without the wins. Atleast now you know when you get a win you can’t give them it back cause never know when you will need it 😀

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Meant to say *gl in the TGC comp

    So annoying to post when doing so from a phone!  I could turn off auto correct but I’d rather just moan about it. 😀

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Green2711 wrote:

    Meant to say *gl in the TGC comp

    So annoying to post when doing so from a phone!  I could turn off auto correct but I’d rather just moan about it. ?

    Don’t know what this auto correct thing is lol. Always used my phone. Thanks for the good luck messages and good luck with the accas today.

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