The Bandit & Rolla stream?

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  • #31441
    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Hey all,

    I was reading in a post on these forums yesterday of a stream with The Bandit and Rolla where Bandit was a little pissed and wearing a gandalf mask to play secrets of the stones, can anyone be kind enough to provide me with a link to the video? I’ve been looking and can’t find it! Really need to see this :D.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Don’t have the link but I’m pretty sure it was one of rollas charity streams which should narrow it down a bit mate

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Had a look, can’t find it sorry.

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    The videos were on rocknrolla’s YouTube but look like they’ve either gone or unlisted. It was late October 2017 and bandit was feeling like shit ?. Donated a fucking shitload to the charity causes though ??

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    Wasn’t this the vid where Paul, dressed as ag pigeon got kicked in the nuts by Steve. Or Steve was the pigeon? Can’t remember now but was a class watch for sure.

    Sarahb9998 WANTED $7

    Yes was the one where Paul dressed as a pigeon and the bandit sounded like a pigeon apparently due to illness apparently he recovered quite quick after sleeping at rollas and sucking on something medicinal through the night lol

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