some of you may know me

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  • #6752
    blueyes WANTED $81

    Hi I’m Dave k off youtube aka Dave1888 :). Not much to say I like football and sports betting and not adverse to a few (dozen) drinks ha ha!

    nostromo332 WANTED $18

    may everyone find what they are looking for on and off the forum. thanks to mr Bandit well done and may luck be with you.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Hi mate and welcome to the forum, cheers for popping in!


    I would formerly have joined you with the few dozen drinks haha not so much these days, bloody stomach is tiny lol!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    nostromo332 wrote:

    may everyone find what they are looking for on and off the forum. thanks to mr Bandit well done and may luck be with you.

    Thanks matey and you’re welcome 😀

    blueyes WANTED $81

    No worries at all! A few pints is sound too of course 🙂

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