Should the bandit start streaming ?

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    Fragaliciousbob WANTED $30

    That’s the question I’m asking should Steve start streaming I say yes

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Haha i think i would annoy the shit out of everyone when i decide to be stubborn on a game and stay until it bonuses! Also the old Reel King may infuriate most lol


    Maybe i should do a 24 hour charity stream – Reel King only….. imagine!!

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    The Bandit wrote:

    Haha i think i would annoy the shit out of everyone when i decide to be stubborn on a game and stay until it bonuses! Also the old Reel King may infuriate most lol


    Maybe i should do a 24 hour charity stream – Reel King only….. imagine!!

    24 hours stream of Reel King would be awesome! What you could do is have two types of donate – donate to one and you continue playing reel king or donate to the other and you play a different slot for say 50 spins then back to reel king 😀

    Tejman WANTED $0

    Start streaming with the projector. Unique setup. 24 hour Reel King would put the casino bankrupt the way you play and win 😀

    nostromo332 WANTED $18

    The Bandit wrote:

    Haha i think i would annoy the shit out of everyone when i decide to be stubborn on a game and stay until it bonuses! Also the old Reel King may infuriate most lol


    Maybe i should do a 24 hour charity stream – Reel King only….. imagine!!

    i think steve is very much at home doing the thing he has done for ages and ages. we didnt see the best of him during rocknrolla,s stream when he had a few health problems and his voice was very rough. but that was the first live video we saw them both together. even mr pigeon was there to see, and we know how much you like pigeon,s…….

    steve has a personality that simply cant be beaten — his radio voice !!! need i say more. besides streaming takes up a lot of time with a lot of non winning spins etc etc. its good that he can have the time to do things in his own time and we await the result of those games.

    Marky mark WANTED $15

    Xbobmad wrote:

    The Bandit wrote:

    Haha i think i would annoy the shit out of everyone when i decide to be stubborn on a game and stay until it bonuses! Also the old Reel King may infuriate most lol


    Maybe i should do a 24 hour charity stream – Reel King only….. imagine!!

    24 hours stream of Reel King would be awesome! What you could do is have two types of donate – donate to one and you continue playing reel king or donate to the other and you play a different slot for say 50 spins then back to reel king ?

    For the love of God man noooooooo!!! 🙂

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