Sack off these low stake Bonus Hunts

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  • #102640
    Duggan89 WANTED $3

    i have been a Fan since the beginning YOU ARE MY NUMBER 1 YOUTUBER WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT!


    this is not a nasty comment or an insult, Everyone loves how you play slots. Please dont change to these 1 per day slow boring Bonus Hunt Vids!

    that is a Nick Slot or Craig slots move , your a wolf there all sheeps pal the copy every other streamer you were always different and exciting

    there are 1000’s are streamers doing the same old rubbish low stake bonus hunt.

    id rather wait 2 weeks at a time for your Sunday vid were you play as you normally would!

    win or lose i always leave the video on the edge and excited


    Isit Just me or is everyone’s opinion the same!

    please dont give me grief or take it as an insult lol

    TrickyCorn WANTED $8

    Isit Just me or is everyone’s opinion the same!

    please dont give me grief or take it as an insult lol

    He’s caught between a rock and a hard place here I think.

    We saw a string of BIG losses from Steven earlier in the year and whilst the roller coaster ride is fun when you’re not in the driver’s seat, the old lad has a wife and kids to think about too.  No responsible adult with a wife and kids can or should continue that level of recklessness indefinitely.

    Ultimately, he’s a entertainment personality for you lot but that’s it.  If he does his arse and goes broke, you go back to your lives with a shrug and Steven has to manage the fallout.

    So I definitely appreciate where he’s coming from trying to keep it slow and tight.  He can still promote the site and affiliate links without suffering too much financial loss in the process.


    This is also where his past patterns are coming back to haunt him too.  He’s created an image of his gambling style that has literally promoted him to another level above and beyond your garden variety casino streamer.

    People love the roller coaster rides, massive stakes and massive wins.

    How do you realistically go back to 3k bonus hunts, keep it interesting and ensure your long time viewers stay engaged?

    All I can say is I’m glad I’m not the Bandit here…

    He’s literally damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t at this point right?

    Duggan89 WANTED $3

    to be honest i never looked at it from a financial stand point ….obviously i wouldn’t like to see anyone in a financially difficult place!


    i suppose you cant please everyone


    i love watching him either way , however u must admit even he sounds bored in these low slot bonus hunts lol

    towels WANTED $3

    I voted yes to sacking them off as given those two options that’s the one I’d go for assuming both options were the only ones and even possible, but I will say it’s hard to do a new style of content – even The Bandit himself says at the end of #2 “I’ll get better at these”. The key to whether they keep getting viewed/achieve his goals for the videos financially personally I think will come down to whether he can get into them a bit more.

    I’d never done a bonus hunt before – I thought they’d be pretty boring but that first one he did was quite fun with some low stakes bonuses actually coming in bonkers so I tried an (even lower staked) one with a few hundred for fun and actually quite enjoyed doing it. If he can get some buzz out of it/actually feel like he’s gambling somehow or just get across more of his usual flair in the videos (maybe some format tweaks, I dunno… 10 spins at the end of each bonus at 3x the stake… get some extra luck or bonuses – that’s what I did in mine but no idea how fun that would be on video or whatever).

    I also won like his first one (doubled the starting roll lol) so I think that must be a thing – always win your first bonus hunt. I’ll avoid repeating Bandit’s mistake and not do another one today but probably will check his next few of these out and see how he adjusts them/things he brings to it.

    I doubt it’ll ever be my favourite format that he comes up with but Reel King was a bit of an ATM for a while and without getting ahead there it’s hard to imagine it being remotely possible to film videos ‘like we’re used to’ in that sense so I’m happy to be open to new formats and giving them a watch for a while.

    blueyes WANTED $80

    i have an idea. Why not lower your max bet per spin on videoslots? @thebandit You can do this in responsible gambling section or lower loss limit. That way you can do stakes that never get too out of hand on vs then just do your balls in on other sites the rest of the time. But surely would be nice to have just one site where you literally can manage your own max bet and or max loss limit?

    TrickyCorn WANTED $8

    Duggan89 wrote:

    to be honest i never looked at it from a financial stand point ….obviously i wouldn’t like to see anyone in a financially difficult place!


    i suppose you cant please everyone


    i love watching him either way , however u must admit even he sounds bored in these low slot bonus hunts lol

    Yeah, Stevie lad has said this a number of times (you can’t please everyone).

    Being a responsible adult myself (hell, I don’t even PLAY slots – I’m just fine watching others do their cash in), I can appreciate why it’s a difficult position for him.

    I think the biggest problem now is how he rolls back the audience expectation?  It’s pretty clear from the feedback already that viewers are less than satisfied with the current format, but are they that bored with it they’ll stop watching?

    That’s the million dollar question here I guess.

    Bandit’s following is built around his mad lad degen style play with roller coaster emotions.  I’m personally not even sure if he can rebrand himself at this point to maintain his following if he dials it back down again.

    As it’s been mentioned before, 2/3 quid stake bonus hunts are done by every 2nd slot streamer out there now and many go above that on a regular basis.

    Is there even room in the current streamer market for anyone (even with Bandit’s reputation and following) to join them and make enough of a difference to keep a big viewership?

    I guess we will find out over the coming days / weeks if this is the new norm.

    mrrickers WANTED $3

    IT is not our money, so for me to judge the man who is giving his time, his money to entertain a dork like myself, thank you.

    He said he will do crazy stakes if he does some Sunday slotting, so there you go.

    No matter what, we have no idea what is up, but most of us can only guess something happened and it might not be something we will ever or should ever know.  I just hope it was not a massive, I mean massive, 6 figure loss because those are so easy to come by.  Remember, these casinos are not built on winners, but losers.

    Plus, we know he watches this forum, this is his baby and he is listening to us.  He is invisible someone watching, listening, learning.

    Again, thank you Bandit, I enjoy everything you have done up to now and support you sir!

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