Randomly lost my job

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  • #49388
    StuartK91 WANTED $27

    As the title says my boss has just out the blue text me saying “don’t bother coming in tomorrow” i’m a bit of a weekend drunk but always make mondays with gritted teeth and he knows that. I’m a bit perplexed and needed to vent somewhere. Its not me that gives 2 fucks its the duchess and the boy lol

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Ffs sake that’s awful. Are you employed or have a contract or anything? That’s so wrong.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    It’s disgusting how people get treated . Years ago the job centre sent me to work at some shit hole . Then after a month get a phone call telling me not to come in . So i said ok that’s fine bye. They then rang the job centre to say I wasn’t bothered about being let go . So i had to really scrap to not have my money stopped . Just because I didn’t cry over the phone.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    What type of contract are you on mate (full time, part time self employed) and how long have you been with the company

    StuartK91 WANTED $27

    Haz40 wrote:

    Ffs sake that’s awful. Are you employed or have a contract or anything? That’s so wrong.

    Nah no contract or anything he just said we’re not making enough money at our branch. I dont even need to work my notice which is weird

    StuartK91 WANTED $27

    thunderball6 wrote:

    It’s disgusting how people get treated . Years ago the job centre sent me to work at some shit hole . Then after a month get a phone call telling me not to come in . So i said ok that’s fine bye. They then rang the job centre to say I wasn’t bothered about being let go . So i had to really scrap to not have my money stopped . Just because I didn’t cry over the phone.

    That’s probably worse than my story,  it’s atrocious, how people are treated. Never mind

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    StuartK91 wrote:

    thunderball6 wrote:

    It’s disgusting how people get treated . Years ago the job centre sent me to work at some shit hole . Then after a month get a phone call telling me not to come in . So i said ok that’s fine bye. They then rang the job centre to say I wasn’t bothered about being let go . So i had to really scrap to not have my money stopped . Just because I didn’t cry over the phone.

    That’s probably worse than my story,  it’s atrocious, how people are treated. Never mind

    Hated the job . Was hoping to move on . Just a bit weird to go out off his way to report me to the job centre . In his position you would think he would be happy to lay someone off and not have any drama about it .But I guess some people thrive off power.

    StuartK91 WANTED $27

    Power and money, people thrive off it, just look at rab kelly ? hes a sick man putz

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    StuartK91 wrote:

    Power and money, people thrive off it, just look at rab kelly ? hes a sick man putz

    I’d wait a few months & find ways to mess with his living Legally Ofcourse….like sending in inspection officers ext.

    Anonymous WANTED $1

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    When my stepdad came home after so called work drunk I decided I need something to change in my life. I had my room, but I got thrown out of there for other people to live and pay rent. And lived in garage with my bed near a car that every morning  was as an alarm for me, and scared the squirrels out of me. I had 1 more year in college and I didn’t have time to work full time as I worked only 2-3 hours per today at local shop as sales consultant for sport wear. After college, I did my cisco https://www.spotoclub.com/ certificate, and went to San Francisco as I had interview for an open position as software analyst. I worked for free first 2 months working on Software Specifications requirements and lived at street in a tent. Shower and hygiene in public restroom. Clothes to wash I paid. And was eating leftovers from restaurants  and shops. But now I live in a very nice studio with rent of course and have nice girlfriend also from work. And bought car not so long ago. I eat as I want and wear nice branded clothes. I walked my road alone but the system supported me more rather than people from so-called home where I lived.

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