Quitting smoking

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    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Hey guys

    Just wondering if we have any ex smokers on the forums? Looking for a bit of advice or perhaps methods to give up.

    I smoke an aweful lot and I’m        asthmatic so it’s not ideal, probably go through 30g of tobacco in around 3 days and my chest is starting to feel it now.

    Ive tried using a vape but it’s not really for me as I just have it in my mouth constantly and went through a ton of oil that it was more expensive than smoking with the cost of oil and coils I was going through. I’ve also tried champix that actually worked really well but left me feeling almost sucidal so I had to come off them.

    I think if I was to do it I’d have to just go cold turkey but everytime I’ve considered doing it when I’ve got down to the dust in a pouch I start to get really anxious and end up buying another pack.

    Im going to try again when I run out but I don’t hold high hopes although I know I need to do it as it’s starting to affect my health and bank account. Anyone have any tips on quitting? I honestly admire anyone that me managed to beat this addiction as I have zero will power haha.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I vape mate instead of smoking – I know you said that it is more expensive but have you tried mixing your own liquids? Its really easy to do. It costs me around £8 to make up 200ml worth of liquid (instead of paying £10 per 100ml in the shops). With the right setup you save a fortune.

    If your going cold turkey – its always good to have a few rolled up in the house. Knowing they are there helps relieve the anxious “fuck I have none left”. My auntie still has 20 mayfair in the house – she quit 5 years ago but keeps them just in case. When she first tried to stop, she clerared the house out of all tabacoo products and that made it worse.

    SheepsTeeth WANTED $6

    I was successful in quitting 5 years ago, pack a day for as long as I can remember. The method I used was reading Allen Carr The Easy Way To Stop Smoking. The thought of a cigarette turns my stomach now. Good luck pal.

    TheVajinator WANTED $9

    I’m 27 and I was smoking since 16. Usually about one pack a day, if I go out drinking maybe close to 2. Now I’m not smoking for about 6 months. Can’t really give any advice though, my idea was that everyday I don’t buy a pack I put 3.60 eur (later rounded it up to 4) to my ‘piggy bank’ and use all of those funds for gambling bankroll boost. First two weeks I daily visited saunas it really helped me with that ‘withdrawal’ feeling.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    I smoked since I was 14 give up when I was about 37 . I’m 42 now so not touch one for about 5 years . And vaping is the only thing that worked for me . And it’s gone a lot cheaper now as more places sell it . And eBay do loads off cheap coils.  The only thing is I don’t think I could give up vaping . So it’s just one addiction to another . But think it’s a lot safer .

    springbrucesteen WANTED $77

    Mate , try and stick with vaping , like what’s been said there are places like eBay etc for eliquid and coils and no way is it expensive , it’s so difficult to just stop smoking all those patches etc never worked for me

    I was smoking since about 12 years old until about 46 and been vaping for years now ,never went back to roll ups since I started vaping

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    I vape and after the initial £50 outlay on the vape itself, I’m only spending about £10 per month on liquids and coils, this is with enough usage to replace a 25-30 a day smoking habit. I buy 88vape liquids online (they’re dirt cheap, 10ml bottle for 99p), can recommend the rolling tobacco flavour at 16mg strength if you were a heavy smoker like me. Coils cost about £9 for a pack of five – each one lasts about 2 weeks, so I’m not getting through many of those in a month.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    I started smoking at 14 and gave up at 38. I’m now 42. Nearly 4 years vaping. Every year I have reduced the strength of e cig nicotine. Started on 18mg now on 6mg. Secret to vaping helping you stop I think is finding one you like. I couldn’t be bothered with these fruity flavours. I’ve always wanted one to taste like a cig so I use tobacco flavour. Sorry to say vaping is a bit of trial and error. Hopefully if you have another go you will find one you like and suits you. Good luck mate.

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    ive smoked mostly all my life mate ,and ive managed to stop 3 or 4 times all by going cold turkey. Im bak on them again after my last break of 2 years and need to stop myself . Due to medical reasons the last time was really easy as i had major surgery and spent a week in hospital which gave me all the reason i needed and a weeks start but this time its not been so easy coz of things thats happened in my life recently . its murder mate but u can do it . like u i tried vaping but it didnt satisfy my cravings triple drawing the thing but no joy the thing was like a lollipop ha ha but im bak to the hospital tommorow and hope to b able stop again for good . Try reducing the amount u smoke by only having one when u enjoy them the most eg after ur cuppa in the mornin and then only after meals and then take it from there and when u feel the urge do something to take ur mind of ur craving. This may b easier than going full tilt. Good luck anyway and hope ur succesful and i will keep an eye open to see how ur doing and let u know how i am to .

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    thunderball6 wrote:

    I smoked since I was 14 give up when I was about 37 . I’m 42 now so not touch one for about 5 years . And vaping is the only thing that worked for me . And it’s gone a lot cheaper now as more places sell it . And eBay do loads off cheap coils.  The only thing is I don’t think I could give up vaping . So it’s just one addiction to another . But think it’s a lot safer .

    thunderball6 wrote:

    I smoked since I was 14 give up when I was about 37 . I’m 42 now so not touch one for about 5 years . And vaping is the only thing that worked for me . And it’s gone a lot cheaper now as more places sell it . And eBay do loads off cheap coils.  The only thing is I don’t think I could give up vaping . So it’s just one addiction to another . But think it’s a lot safer .

    Snap ??

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Sounds like you need some alternative therapies because you need to smoke without smoking tobacco

    Can you think of anything else that you can smoke, that isn’t tobacco, doesn’t contain nicotine and has no known carcinogens?

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Vaping is much healthier than smoking but it’s definitely not “healthy”. Nicotine constricts veins and arteries which can lead to cardiovascular distress

    sidders WANTED $21

    For what it’s worth dude I smoked about 30 a day , got fed up feeling wheezy so I got a vape thing ( Blu ) started on the blueberry 1.6mg and every three month bought a less mg till I ended up with no nicotine vaping. Never looked back since n I can breathe awesome ?. Good luck ??

    Mattcarr WANTED $7

    Giving up smoking is easy 🙂 I did it loads of times !!!

    Seriously, each person will find their own way. I think I was quite lucky in that I got to the stage of not enjoying it anymore, plus we ended up being the in the minority of our friends as well and we eventually decided to bite the bullet and stop. I was lucky having my missus support me and me there to support her. In the end, I can say it is the best thing I have ever done to actually give up. Been about 6 years now.

    Proddylegend WANTED $22

    Alright mate,

    im currently into my 3rd week totally smoke free I started to cut down months ago from 20 a day to 1 a day,l and to be honest I don’t miss it too much, I bought myself a vape to help me cut down/ stop and now I have a newborn lad that was my final reason to jack it in !!!

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