Playing Monte and Rhino together – what are your online habits?

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    ImperialDragon WANTED $68

    I have seen numerous videos where Montezuma and Raging Rhino are played one after the other. This isn’t limited to The Bandit as I’ve seen other people play the 2 slots together too. What is the history behind this habit? If it was Monte vs Legend of Egypt then yes I would understand that, but Monte and Rhino are nothing like each other.

    What are your online habits and conventions?

    I tend to stick with BTGs, usually starting with Danger HV. If I’m doing well (start balance £50 and I’m now on £100+), I’ll finish off with a 50p / £50 White Rabbit buy. Then I’ll cash out whatever the result is.

    Fairzz WANTED $30

    Book of dead is the gatekeeper of most sessions.

    Give him till he bonuses and decide what to do after that… stay for another, bugger of else where maybe even run if he’s been decent.

    Then if the session has gone on for a while and it’s time to get gone or the balance has been pissed away head back to him on a higher stake and finish the balance. If he’s nice the books or a decent line saves the session if not the gatekeeper has spoken…

    because of this most sessions end with me shouting “fuck off ricky you prick”

    fucking love that game

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I think most people have a personal pattern, i had 3 main ones, used to be kronos, Bruce lee or zeus 3, or halloween fortune, lotto madness or a girls night out or the other trend was jack and the beanstalk to piggy riches…..guess they are all either same providers or different skins of same game!


    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    It used to be tiki tumble and fat rabbit for me. I suppose I was a glutton for punishment.

    burders WANTED $55

    i have changed things drastically as I seek to gain a bang for my buck rather than spaffing what I’ve got available and more, as done so many times in the past and indeed the recent past, which for someone of my age and level of responsibilities was a joke and I had to get hold of it.

    So I have adopted the Dazza Gee approach – 100x into Bonanza. I like to do £200 at £2 stakes but content sometimes at £20 to 20p stakes. If I double my deposit then I double the stake. If I hit thereafter I withdraw.

    This way I often get up to 2 hours of play win or lose. Could do it with Diamond Mine or perhaps WWTBAM I guess or any other game you know that really grinds but has potential at the same time – that’s why I do it with Bonanza.

    I used to love a bonus hunt but invariably got stuck on a game sooner or later, the balance drains, you’ve done your dough for three bonuses which deliver 8x, 12x and 20x respectively and your’e back to self analysis and guilt and all that shite!

    Not worth it.





    Green2711 WANTED $492

    I think it’s just habit for most players. For example if I play Wild Heist at Peacock Manor then I’ll usually play Secret of the Stones afterwards and I know the reason is that the bonuses offer a “choice” with the cards/stones even though I’m convinced it’s all predetermined anyways. I’ll also play Book of Dead and Legacy of Egypt afterwards and that’s probably just to stick to the theme of the slot, strange when I think about it. I imagine you watched the latest Craigslots video as he said pretty much the same thing after playing Raging Rhino. 🙂

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    My biggest habit was ripping balances

    ImperialDragon WANTED $68

    Green2711 wrote:

    I think it’s just habit for most players. For example if I play Wild Heist at Peacock Manor then I’ll usually play Secret of the Stones afterwards and I know the reason is that the bonuses offer a “choice” with the cards/stones even though I’m convinced it’s all predetermined anyways. I’ll also play Book of Dead and Legacy of Egypt afterwards and that’s probably just to stick to the theme of the slot, strange when I think about it. I imagine you watched the latest Craigslots video as he said pretty much the same thing after playing Raging Rhino. ?

    Good call about Wild Heist and Secret of the Stones.  It reminds me of another online video where someone played Dead or Alive and Cazino Zeppelin together.  In that example though, the 2 slots were being played simultaneously in 2 adjacent tiled windows.  I think they were on the same site too, so I’m not sure how they managed that, having 2 active login sessions on the same site?

    cafcadam WANTED $5

    I usually stick to btg but if I play monte or rhino the other usually follows couldn’t tell you why also of on a site with novos I’ll play book of ra then book of ra magic

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