Payday loans for bad credit

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  • #101741
    Irishjackpot WANTED $11

    Hi guys need your help and I know you are all sensible people,

    my credit score is bad but slowly improving and need a short term loan or payday loan, can’t find one anywhere tried brokers who offer for bad credit but can’t get one, only need £350 pounds but could also cope with 300 at a push and could pay it back within three to four months.
    Hope you can help me find somewhere thanks for the help lads

    have a good day

    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    Asking for help finding a payday loan on a gambling forum is an awful impression.

    You say we’re sensible, the sensible thing is to not say. Most payday lenders have gone bust, the reason? They’ve taken advantage of people struggling the most, dragging them into debt and then offering more help until it’s impossible to pay off so you keep paying interest and are still stuck with the core debt. Scum the lot of them.

    If it’s to gamble, don’t it’s not worth it. If it’s for bills, ask them for more time, tell them when you can pay them and they should be sympathetic at this time.

    I’m sorry it’s not a payday loan link, but hopefully it helps a little bit.

    Ps, stay clear of payday loans ?

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I will echo what xbob has said, if your credit score is improving then taking a payday loan will actually have a negative effect on your credit score, in the grand scheme of things it is not a huge amount of money u need, if u speak to family or friends and the situation can’t be avoided im sure they would understand and help u out.

    Bamboozler WANTED $23

    Posting about payday loans on a gambling forum is on the face of it utterly desperate. I think you should spend your time reading the advice above.

    If gambling has resulted in you being this short of funds then you are in a bad place already. Do not double down and make it even worse.

    STH2020 WANTED $38

    I once got into payday loans when I was younger. I can only echo what people have said above.  They are the hardest things to get out of once you get one, due to the crippling interest.

    Also if you have applied for a loan with a broker and been refused you will have a negative mark against you, this has a knock on affect when applying for more.

    I would exhasut any other avenue before a payday loan, have you looked at a Guarantor loan, much higher chance of being accepted if you have someone willing to act as a guarantor if you cannot pay. The interest rates are still considerably higher than a usual loan but considerably less than a payday loan.


    mattowl1867 WANTED $34

    All of the above is amazing advice. I wish i had this advice before i took payday loans out in early 2010’s!


    I’ve settled most of them up in full now and the bigger debts I’m paying off with stepchange on an installment plan.


    I don’t want to sound nasty as i don’t know your circumstances… But if you’d rather ask on here for options rather than a close friend or family member i can only guess you don’t want to ask them for some reason or have maxed out lending from them already? Or don’t want to tell them why you need money. Any none essential bill can be delayed or put on hold, especially utilities or phone bill etc. I learned to just call people (companies) up and ask for help instead of secretly searching for the next high interest loan that creates a bigger hole than the one before it. Or worse… Using a loan to gamble to win back a situation i have ended up in from previous bad decisions that month aka casinos and beer and 2am!


    Speaking from experience here! Unfortunately. But i learned my lesson and hope you find a solution soon. Just don’t make it a payday loan or worse.

    Irishjackpot WANTED $11

    Hi guys thanks for the responses, should have clarified it’s not for gambling been on gamstop successfully since September 2019 and not touched a slot since, I don’t think I have anyone to be a guarantor so payday loans were my only option. Thanks for the response and care though have a good day.

    mattowl1867 WANTED $34

    Irishjackpot wrote:

    Hi guys thanks for the responses, should have clarified it’s not for gambling been on gamstop successfully since September 2019 and not touched a slot since, I don’t think I have anyone to be a guarantor so payday loans were my only option. Thanks for the response and care though have a good day.

    That’s great dude all the best moving forwards!

    Chalks34 WANTED $8

    mattowl1867 wrote:

    All of the above is amazing advice. I wish i had this advice before i took payday loans out in early 2010’s!


    I’ve settled most of them up in full now and the bigger debts I’m paying off with stepchange on an installment plan.


    I don’t want to sound nasty as i don’t know your circumstances… But if you’d rather ask on here for options rather than a close friend or family member i can only guess you don’t want to ask them for some reason or have maxed out lending from them already? Or don’t want to tell them why you need money. Any none essential bill can be delayed or put on hold, especially utilities or phone bill etc. I learned to just call people (companies) up and ask for help instead of secretly searching for the next high interest loan that creates a bigger hole than the one before it. Or worse… Using a loan to gamble to win back a situation i have ended up in from previous bad decisions that month aka casinos and beer and 2am!


    Speaking from experience here! Unfortunately. But i learned my lesson and hope you find a solution soon. Just don’t make it a payday loan or worse.

    Glad your getting help i actually work for step change so glad you are seeing the benefits good luck to you

    mattowl1867 WANTED $34

    Chalks34 wrote:

    mattowl1867 wrote:

    All of the above is amazing advice. I wish i had this advice before i took payday loans out in early 2010’s!


    I’ve settled most of them up in full now and the bigger debts I’m paying off with stepchange on an installment plan.


    I don’t want to sound nasty as i don’t know your circumstances… But if you’d rather ask on here for options rather than a close friend or family member i can only guess you don’t want to ask them for some reason or have maxed out lending from them already? Or don’t want to tell them why you need money. Any none essential bill can be delayed or put on hold, especially utilities or phone bill etc. I learned to just call people (companies) up and ask for help instead of secretly searching for the next high interest loan that creates a bigger hole than the one before it. Or worse… Using a loan to gamble to win back a situation i have ended up in from previous bad decisions that month aka casinos and beer and 2am!


    Speaking from experience here! Unfortunately. But i learned my lesson and hope you find a solution soon. Just don’t make it a payday loan or worse.

    Glad your getting help i actually work for step change so glad you are seeing the benefits good luck to you

    That’s awesome! And thanks man.


    Bet they’re an excellent place to work must be so satisfying helping others everyday! They certainly make life easier for people like myself once the initial dreaded phone call is made 🙂

    Chalks34 WANTED $8

    mattowl1867 wrote:

    Chalks34 wrote:

    mattowl1867 wrote:

    All of the above is amazing advice. I wish i had this advice before i took payday loans out in early 2010’s!


    I’ve settled most of them up in full now and the bigger debts I’m paying off with stepchange on an installment plan.


    I don’t want to sound nasty as i don’t know your circumstances… But if you’d rather ask on here for options rather than a close friend or family member i can only guess you don’t want to ask them for some reason or have maxed out lending from them already? Or don’t want to tell them why you need money. Any none essential bill can be delayed or put on hold, especially utilities or phone bill etc. I learned to just call people (companies) up and ask for help instead of secretly searching for the next high interest loan that creates a bigger hole than the one before it. Or worse… Using a loan to gamble to win back a situation i have ended up in from previous bad decisions that month aka casinos and beer and 2am!


    Speaking from experience here! Unfortunately. But i learned my lesson and hope you find a solution soon. Just don’t make it a payday loan or worse.

    Glad your getting help i actually work for step change so glad you are seeing the benefits good luck to you

    That’s awesome! And thanks man.


    Bet they’re an excellent place to work must be so satisfying helping others everyday! They certainly make life easier for people like myself once the initial dreaded phone call is made ?

    It is a great place yes and we are looking for advisor currently as we are going to get busy so if you know any one lol

    mattowl1867 WANTED $34

    Haha I’d be interested myself lol!


    Currently Assistant GM of a busy city centre restaurant and bar but I’ve always one day wanted to use my skills in hospitality further… And actually help people in their lives and not just in the venue!


    Do job ads usually just appear on Indeed etc?

    Chalks34 WANTED $8

    Hi mate where are you based?

    Chalks34 WANTED $8

    mattowl1867 wrote:

    Haha I’d be interested myself lol!


    Currently Assistant GM of a busy city centre restaurant and bar but I’ve always one day wanted to use my skills in hospitality further… And actually help people in their lives and not just in the venue!


    Do job ads usually just appear on Indeed etc?

    You can go to the website and take a look also

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