Old style fruit machines (arcades)

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  • #105693
    Callan WANTED $3

    Hello everyone,

    I was just wondering how many of you started your gambling in the arcades?

    I’ve always lived in seaside towns and i will always remember my first gamble, turning 50p into £76 on coronation street. I would have been about 11 at the time and never felt richer. The machine would not stop paying jackpots, never seen such a run on it ever again.

    Do any of you have some great stories about how you got the gambling bug?

    I do miss there being an element of skill to gambling. Online can be amazing for the huge wins but I’ll always prefer the physical machines.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Snakes and adders £5 jackpot in a small village in Wales…..then hot rod …and then every fucking machine became a deal or no deal bore fest …

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Snakes and adders £5 jackpot in a small village in Wales…..then hot rod …and then every fucking machine became a deal or no deal bore fest …

    Yes snakes and adders. Used to play it when I was 10-11 at the arcades at a local caravan park. Hours and hours of fun.

    Callan WANTED $3

    Absolute classic that was.

    Casino Royale was a favourite of mine. So many fun ways to lose money before it all became deal or no deal or £1 then £2 a play.

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