Old games

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    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    somebody was just talking about bandit playing an old game, and was thinking “ bandits played some great games and great results, that we can’t see anymore “ I tried checking the old videos, but their gone  , so  does anybody know where these vids are or if they’ll come back? bandits got some ace vids like the time his missus did deal or no deal …. and others on great games we don’t see played now, as much as I like seeing megaways , when you get sick of the rhinos and the jamming an old bandit vid was always inspiring for the next game,  bandit what about a retro stream …. we could even throw dust at the screen to add a retro effect ……Perhaps it just me that enjoys the old vids as background noise

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Love him to play a bit off lost island . But I think the older games are just not there anymore

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Ah man lost Island ……classic

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Lost island is stil there. Saw someone playing it recently.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Bandit put most of his videos private until the strike was removed from his channel. Not sure if this is still the case. 🙂

    Chalks34 WANTED $8

    Bit of Gandalf or wonky or steamy classics.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    Most of the old games are just not very good,they have no real potential for huge payouts,Its why streamers hardly play them anymore.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $68

    Some of the Novos (formerly Astra) are pretty ancient.  Book of Ra is at least 10 years old and Reel King at least 12 years old!

    BigBoss84 WANTED $1

    For me the best game is Dota2. After a friend of mine played for a long time, he convinced me to try and that’s how my love with play started.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    BigBoss84 wrote:

    For me the best game is Dota2. After a friend of mine played for a long time, he convinced me to try and that’s how my love with play started.

    Yeah good game mate…

    BigBoss84 WANTED $1

    Yes, this is a good game

    BigBoss84 WANTED $1

    I remember a bit about those videos, but I already forgot what exactly was in them. Anyway, trying to find them, I may be able to do that and help you with something. Only they knew what they were playing. I assume Dota2, but I’m not entirely sure. Or maybe I think so because I’m a big fan of Dota2. By the way, recently I was thinking of participating in an international tournament and I thought of getting a 2 mmr boost on https://dota2-boost.com. Have any of you tried?

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